Angel of mercy - Part 3 - Arthur x Reader

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(Y/n) watched as the children rushed over to Arthur. The man instantly transforming into character as he saw the happy little faces. When she had introduced Arthur to Sarah, she had described him as a friend. The doctor not failing to notice the shocked looks on both Sarah and Arthur's faces at the comment. But (Y/n) knew that if she told her sister that the clown was a frequent flyer at the emergency department, she may have been averse to letting the sweet man do his job. And in a way, what she told them was true. (Y/n) saw quiet a few people on a regular basis. But out of all of them, (Y/n) liked the usually quiet man the most.

His injuries had never been his own fault. He just seemed to attract bullies wherever he went. And some of his beatings had been quite sever. But every time he made an appearance, no matter how much pain he was in, Arthur had always been the most pleasant and sweet man that (Y/n) could ever hope to meet.

(Y/n) had always prided herself on having a caring nature, she felt that that was one of the reasons why she had gone into medicine. But with Arthur, even though she really only knew him through their time together as she fixed up his latest injuries, (Y/n) felt an extra level of protection that even surprised her. He was too amiable for Gotham. Too kind and gentle for the dark tough city. And (Y/n) hated that such a good-natured, soft-hearted man seemed to be being used as the punching bag for every idiot in the metropolis.

Even though she would never wish an injury on Arthur that would force him to come to the emergency department, whenever she saw that mop of dark brown hair, (Y/n) couldn't help but smile. She could have had the hardest shift. She could have seen the worst injuries. Been present when a patient had taken their last breaths in this world. But as soon as she saw his beautiful eyes, all the terrible things in the world seemed to disappear. And (Y/n) would feel as though she could take on the world again.

A sudden squeal of excitement brought (Y/n) back from her thoughts. Her eyes falling on her excitable nephew and his friends as they were wowed by Arthur's antics. (Y/n)'s heart jumping a little as the clown looked over at her and waved.

"Friends, huh?" Sarah asked, as she came up behind her sister. (Y/n) sighing and rolling her as she waited for Sarah's next judgemental comment.

"I know you work long hours, and you don't get much chance to socialise with the right kind of people. But you can do better than a clown, (Y/n)." Sarah continued. The doctor fighting back the desire to turn around and shout at her sister. Not wanting to cause a scene and disrupt her nephew's day.

"Do you know, Sarah. Its sometimes hard to believe that we are related. Or maybe its just that you have been spending far too much time with those vicious blood suckers that you laughingly refer to as friends. But either way, you definitely have a very different, view of the world than I do. For your information, Arthur is the sweetest man that I have ever met, and I don't care whether you think he's this, what you call "right kind of people" or not. I would rather spend my time with him, than a minute in the presence of the pack of hyenas that you go out of your way to impress. Look Sarah, I love you. I love Nathan, and I want only the best for both of you. But its about time that you pulled your head out of your ass and saw things as they really are. This world can be a dark and horrible place. And if you are lucky enough to find a glimmer of happiness in it, you should take it and hold it close. And if I see that glimmer in the eyes of a humble clown, as my sister you should be happy for me. Not take it upon yourself to judge me." (Y/n) replied, as calmly as she could. Sarah looking slightly shocked at her sister's words.

"I......I'm sorry, okay? I didn't mean anything by it. I want you to be happy, (Y/n). I really do. And if he makes you happy, then I'm happy for you." Sarah replied, as she pulled (Y/n) into her arms and gave her an apologetic hug. (Y/n) looking over to where Arthur was still performing. The doctor realising that Arthur did in fact make her happy.


Arthur looked over to where (Y/n) stood with the woman that she had introduced as her sister. He was doing his very best to do his job. To give the best performance that he could. But every time he caught a glimpse of his angel, Arthur just wanted to walk over to her and tell her how much he cared. How much he had missed seeing her. And how he wanted to see more of her, without getting hurt to have to do it.

He was shocked when she had taken him by the hand at the door. Shocked when she had introduced him as her friend. And even more shocked as she had held his arm in hers and taken him out to the garden. Kissing him on the cheek and wishing him well, before announcing him to the children. He had noticed her smiling at him. Laughing at his antics as he had danced and juggled. A strange sense of pride filling him as the doctor seemed to be focusing all her attention on him.

"Excuse me. What do you think you are doing? Can't you see that my daughter doesn't have a balloon. How can you call yourself a children's entertainer..........." An angry woman asked. Arthur turning around as she tapped him on the shoulder. The clown wanting to crawl into a small hole and die, as the mother continued to rant and rave about how bad he was. How she was going to contact his employer and complain. How he had upset her daughter by not giving her a balloon like he had given the others.

Arthur continued to stand there, not sure what to say or do to make this whole thing just stop. If he had missed the little girl, it had most certainly not been on purpose. If he had upset the child, who would most certainly apologise. But he couldn't understand why another mother would ruin a child's party, just for the sake of a balloon.

As some of the other mothers came over to join in with their own personal gripes, Arthur could feel the familiar clawing at his throat as his laugh threatened to escape. Up until now he had been doing so well. He hadn't had an episode in some time. And he had even begun to hope that the laugh had somehow vanished. But as these women swamped him, complaining over the smallest of detail that didn't even make sense, he couldn't hold it back any longer. And the dreaded laugh erupted from his lips. The now quiet women staring at him in disbelief as he desperately tried to stop himself.


(Y/n) looked over in the direction from where the uncomfortable, and almost pained laugh had suddenly come from. It most definitely wasn't one of the children, and as there wasn't a single father present, the masculine sound could only be coming from one person. And that was Arthur.

Hearing the word "freak" called out, (Y/n) pushed her way through the crowd of Stepford wives to the man in the middle. His pained expression telling (Y/n) that this was most certainly not a laugh that Arthur was enjoying.

"Will you get back. Can't you see that he's not well? Give him some damn air." (Y/n) growled at the women who were obviously making the situation worse.

"What's wrong with him? Can't you see that he's scaring my daughter. He shouldn't be allowed to be anywhere children. He.........." The woman that had caused the whole thing, began. Her mouth shutting instantly as (Y/n) turned and glared at her.

"I swear to god. If I hear another word leave that mouth of yours. I am going to slap the ugly of you." (Y/n) hissed, as she was finally able to turn her attention from the woman to the man that needed her help. Arthur handing (Y/n) his condition card that he had managed to find in his pocket.

"Okay, Arthur. Let's get you away from here." (Y/n) said, as she handed back his card and did her best to get him inside the house. The doctor desperate to not only help her patient calm down as quickly as possible. But also take the sweet man away from those atrocious women. 

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