Open and shut case - Part 18 - Joker x Reader

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Joker tossed and turned in his bed. Admittedly, despite all the medication that the hospital was pumping him full of in an attempt to keep him controllable and quiet, not being able to sleep was still an issue. The clown just presuming that the seven lots of different medications that he had been taking for so long, had helped him build up some kind of immunity to the crap they were trying to give him now. Yet tonight he had more of a reason than most to be awake. Tonight, all he could think about was (Y/n) going to his old apartment the next day. The thought concerning him to say the least.

Slowly he got up from his bed and pulled a cigarette from the packet that lay on the little table in the corner of the room. The clown lighting it before making his way to look up at the sky that lay beyond the window of his room. The smell of the smoke mixing with the odour of the weapons grade cleaning substances that they would use to keep the hospital its shocking shade of white. His mind wandering to what (Y/n) would see when she stepped foot beyond the door of his old home, the next day.

He knew that she had said that she had seen crime scenes before. He knew that she had already seen the pictures of what he had done to Randall. Of his head smashed against the wall and the pair of scissors lodged in what used to be his left eye. But despite that, being there in that rotten apartment. Seeing how he actually used to live, if you could call it living, was a different thing. He feared that it would make her think differently of him. She was the only person that didn't seem to think of him just as a pathetic loser that had become a killer. A killer that didn't deserve the help that she was giving him. Didn't deserve the kiss that they had shared. A kiss that he was sure he would remember for the rest of his life. Because it had been real. One of the only real things in his life. For even though he might not know much about women, even he knew that that kiss had been one of the most genuine things in his life. Even though he might have taken advantage of the hug that she was giving him, he had felt her lips move with his. He had felt her grip on him tighten, as the kiss had deepened for that one wonderful moment.

With a heavy sigh, he moved back to his bed. Sitting down and flicking the ash from his cigarette onto the floor before brushing it away with his foot. He couldn't help but wonder, or should that be worry, that his beautiful attorney might not come back after she had emersed herself into his old life. To say the apartment, his life hadn't been much, would definitely be an understatement. In lots of ways, he was sure that it was worse than the room, the situation that he currently found himself in. At least here he actually had a bed of his own. At least here he didn't have to put up with Penny's lies, her own insanity. At least here he didn't have to venture out into that uncaring world, putting up with all the strange and horrified looks that he would get if he were to break out into one of his torturous laughs. He didn't have to worry about the garbage strewn streets of the shitty city. Playing dodge the giant rat, as he made his way to the chemist to get his medication. So perhaps in the strangest way, being here in Arkham, was a plus.

With another heavy sigh, he lay back on the thin mattress. Looking at the ceiling that was illuminated by the light of the moon that would occasionally drift in when the great celestial orb managed to creep out from behind the heavy cloud. The clown smiling slightly, as he puffed out his smoke and made little clouds of his own. Those little clouds hanging for a mere moment before disappearing into the ether.

He had been unable to stop thinking about (Y/n) since she had left that day. Hell, in truth, he hadn't been able to stop thinking about her since the first day she had walked through the door for their first meeting. Since he had tested her mettle and found that he had been the one to be put on the back foot by her candid replies. As she had not been intimidated by the killer that had sat across from her. Calling him out on his bullshit. Since she had told him how it was, and he had joked that he liked her.

With one more draw on the cigarette, he finished it. Joker getting up slowly and grinding the butt into the small ashtray that sat right next to his packet. The clown reaching for another cigarette, lighting it and dropping on the bed once again. He had to do something. He had to speak to her. To explain to her if he had to, about the life of Arthur Fleck; about what she had possibly seen in that apartment. And hope that she would come back. Because up until the moment that he had met her, he hadn't actually cared about whether he lived or died. He had already realised that his life was a comedy. That some greater being was looking down on him and laughing. That him frying in the chair for his crimes would be the greatest laugh of all. The killer clown sure that there would be a standing ovation at his end. But now, now he cared. Now he wanted to live. Now he wanted to keep (Y/n) in his life for as long as possible. Realising that if he were never to see her again, it would truly be the tragedy that he had thought for so long, his life was.

With yet another heavy sigh, he puffed on his cigarette until it was finished. Joker watching the last embers die out before dropping the butt on the floor of his room. Tomorrow, he would call her. She had given him her home phone number. Told him to call if anything was wrong. So that was what he would do. Joker turning onto his side and pulling his pillow to his chest. The clown closing his eyes and pretending that the soft form was that of his beautiful attorney.


Joker looked up at the clock on the wall. (Y/n) hadn't told him what time she would be going to the old place, but he couldn't wait any longer. He had to call her and speak to her. He had to hear her voice. He had to know that she would be coming back. The clown picking up the receiver and pressing the faded buttons. Finding his heart beating a little quicker as he heard the ring tone. His breath catching in his throat, as the ring tone stopped.



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