Special Agent - Part 5

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(Y/n) sat at the table, her fingers ghosting over the bright pink scar. Why had she told him everything? What was it about this man that made her feel so comfortable about telling him even the darkest parts of her life? She had only ever told investigators about that night; there had been an inquiry into what happened, of course, and even though she had nearly died at that maniacs hands, she had had to account for all her actions, even having to justify why she had blown the bastards brains out.

The bureau had made her take leave, and even forced her to see a shrink, both things that she hated. Making her stay away from work, just meant that she had more time to think, more time to dwell on the darkness that was now part of her; and being forced to go over and over the events again and again had not helped her either, in fact the shrinks had only made things worse.

That was when she had managed to get her hands on a file about a killer in Gotham that called himself Joker. She was intrigued as soon as she had looked at his mugshot, and as she had trawled through the thick file, reading incident reports, eyewitness accounts and police interview transcripts, she had felt that she knew this man, that like her he had a darkness in him that had been put their by another.

For the rest of her enforced leave she had studied every aspect of the man called Arthur Fleck, until she knew that she had to talk to him to find out what made this particular man tick. Once she was allowed to return to work, she had driven her boss crazy, going over and over why Fleck would be a perfect candidate for study, how understanding his motives could help the bureau understand this most unusual serial killer. She could still remember her meeting with her boss like it was yesterday.

"Look Steve, I think we really need to look at this guy Fleck in Gotham; he is really different to anyone I have looked at before, I think that he could give us an insight into something we don't have much experience with." (Y/n) said, standing over her bosses' desk, shaking the file in his face.

"I really think I could get something interesting out of this guy." She said, finally taking a seat.

"Ok (Y/n), what's so different about this guy? What makes you think he's so special?" Her boss asked, picking up the file and thumbing through it.

"So, we have our four basic types of serial killer, right?" (Y/n) said, as she got up from her seat and made her way to the white board on the office wall, and as she spoke, she wrote.

"First, we have the Thrill Seekers that love outsmarting the cops, they enjoy attention from the media, and being pursued by the authorities. They keep detailed records of their crimes and plan everything in advance. Now, for Fleck, there is an aspect of outsmarting us, and he did keep the reports of the murders on the train; but as far as I can see that wasn't his main motivation, and the only murder that he seemed to be properly plan in advance was that of Murray Franklin. Second, we have the Mission-orientated killer, these guys believe that they are doing society a favour by ridding it of certain people that they think that society could do without; now Fleck might have believed that society was better off without the three guys on the train, but that belief came after the crime, not before. Plus, that crime scene was chaotic, there was no organisation at all; those killings were just that those three assholes were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Thirdly, we have the Visionary killers; these guys occasionally suffer psychological breaks from society, now I know Fleck has that neurological thing, but I believe that it wasn't until he killed his mother that he truly experienced this break, and he most certainly has never claimed that he killed because the Devil or God told him to. Finally, we have the Power and Control killers; these guys enjoy their victim's terror, they enjoy their suffering and screaming, and they tend to be very well organised. Many have a history of childhood abuse which has left them feeling powerless and inadequate as adults, and a lot of these guys sexually abuse their victims. Now, its true that Fleck suffered abuse as a kid, and from what I've read, I would say that he felt powerless and inadequate, but his motivations for his killings were not to watch his victims suffer, and there was certainly no sexual aspects to his crimes." (Y/n) told him, as she moved back to the seat across the desk from her boss, who was stating at her intently.

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