The Silent Doctor - Part 2

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Arthur waited in the room, it had been a week since he had seen the silent doctor, and since their last meeting he had realised that he had been unable to think about anything other than her. He had found himself more than just a little intrigued by the good doctor, and he had been able to find out that he was the only patient that she was seeing, seemingly specially brought in by Arkham to work her own brand on magic on the killer clown.

"Good morning Arthur." A voice called out, bringing him back from his thoughts as the doctor walked into the room, her notebook securely in one hand, and a little tray with two large cups in the other.

"As we were finally able to introduce ourselves last week, I thought that we both deserved a little treat." She said happily, as she placed a large mug of hot cocoa, with two marshmallows floating in it, in front of him as she sat down on the other side of the table.

"Goodness knows, those floor sweepings that they laughingly call tea, and that weak as gnats water coffee that they provide here, are not suitable fare for such a cold morning, so I thought that something nice and sweet was called for." The doctor said, as she took a drink, watching Arthur as he eyed it suspiciously.

"Its not drugged if that's what you are thinking, nor is it a bribe, or a treat for being such a good boy. It was merely that I that I thought that you might like it; but if you don't want it........." She said, reaching her hand across the table to take back the warm beverage.

", its ok." Arthur said, taking the cup in his hands, not noticing the subtle smile that came to her lips.

"What are you?" Arthur asked, as he looked down into the cup, and poked at the pink and white sweet treats that bobbed happily on the warm brown liquid.

"What a strange question, well, I'm a female, of the genus Homosapien with a chronological age of 33." The doctor said, smiling as Arthur furrowed his brows.

"Well, as your question was a little unusual, I thought that my answer should be equally as unusual." She told him, chuckling as Arthur huffed slightly.

"Ok smartass, who are you?" He asked, sighing softly, as he finally took a drink.

"Now that's better. My name is (Y/f/n) (Y/l/n), I am a doctor of psychiatry, and I specialise in personality, psychotic, and trauma related disorders; Arkham called me in to speak to you as no one else has been able to crack into that glorious brain of yours, so they thought that they would give me a try." She smiled, as Arthur put down the cup.

"Ha! Good luck with that sister, no one gets in here." Arthur said, tapping the side of his head.

"Oh well, like I said last week, I get paid whether you talk or not." (Y/n) said, taking out her notebook, and beginning to draw.

"Typical shrink, I bet you're getting paid a fortune for just sitting on your ass and not saying anything. Overpriced quark!" Arthur said, hurling the insult at her like a missile.

"Making assumptions is never a wise thing to do Arthur......... for your information I am actually here for free, I'm not being paid anything." (Y/n) told him, never looking up from her notebook.

"Oh, so your hoping to get into my head so that you can write up one of those long winded papers about me, get yourself famous for being the doctor that cracked the clown." Arthur said, leaning forward on the table, annoyed that she wasn't appearing the slightest bit flustered, annoyed, or scared of him.

"Boy do you have an over inflated opinion of yourself, Freud would have had a field day with you. Now as much as I am sure that a paper on you would be well received by my peers, I am actually here more for my own selfish ends." (Y/n) confessed, as she closed her notebook and placed it down on the table.

"You see I find your case quite fascinating, and it was more my own curiosity that brought me here when the hospital phoned, not their desperate pleas for assistance. I pride myself on being able to empathise with my patients, to be able to put myself in their shoes, and when I did that with you, I found that I wanted to meet the man behind the file, the man behind the face paint; so you see in one way just meeting you has answered most of my questions." (Y/n) explained as Arthur gulped down the last of the hot cocoa.

"Well then, we don't have to see one another anymore if you have your answers, do we." Arthur scoffed, as he slammed his cup back down on the table.

"Your quite right Arthur, it would appear that the hospital has wasted more than enough of our precious time. So, I will bid you farewell, I won't be back to see you." (Y/n) said, as she got up from her chair, and headed to the door.

"Hey! I never said that I didn't want to see you again, and you said you only had most of your questions answered, wouldn't you like the rest of them answered?" Arthur asked, standing up as her hand went to knock on the door.

Turning around (Y/n) looked at Arthur. "I suppose that it wouldn't hurt to keep seeing you, if that's what you want." She told him, coming back to take her seat at the table.

"Can I ask you one thing first." Arthur asked, as he took his seat. "Why do you draw pictures of me?"

"Oh, I suppose that it allows me to understand you a little better; even when you didn't say anything, your body language spoke volumes, and drawing you allows me to keep it fresh in my mind. You see outwardly you come across all confident and cocky, arrogant and manipulative, with just the slightest hint of menace; but your body can betray you, and with you, the eyes really are the windows to the soul. Behind that twinkle hides what is left of the Arthur that used to exist before all those deaths; there is a vulnerability of someone that knows what it is to have suffered, to have been alone, to be forgotten and go unnoticed, and no matter how much you fight it, that will always show through. You fidget when you get annoyed or anxious, and you bite your nails; your muscles tense when you think about certain things, and you have that twitch in your lip; your body betrays you, as it does all of us." (Y/n) explained, as she flicked through the assorted pictures that she had drawn.

"Is that right?" Arthur asked, leaning back in his chair and taking a cigarette from its packet.

"Well let me tell you a little something about you that I have picked up. I think that you are an overachiever that comes from a well to do family with enough money that they didn't have to worry about anything. Daddy was probably a shrink too, and you followed in his footsteps. You were popular at school, and probably married your high school sweetheart, who's also a doctor of some kind, and you come and speak to people like me so that you can feel superior to the rest of us! How did I do?" Arthur asked, feeling slightly angry as (Y/n) began to laugh.

"Well you were right on one point; I am an over achiever; but the rest of it you couldn't be more wrong. My mother died just after I was born, and I was raised by my father who was a cop, a damn good cop actually; and even though he tried to help as much as he could, I had to work three jobs to be able to put myself through college, and I was lucky enough that my grades meant that I was accepted by a good clinic when I graduated. I hated school, and never had a high school sweetheart, I'm single, and I do this job to help, not to feel superior to anyone; so, you see Arthur, we aren't so dissimilar." (Y/n) told a shocked Arthur.

"And before you go on about my dad being a cop, and I'm only here to get information to help them; I'll tell you that my dad was a cop in Chicago, and died three years ago, shot by some teenager who was that drugged up on Meth he didn't know who or what he was." (Y/n) said, for the first time showing a glint of emotion as she reached over and grabbed the empty cup from in front of him.

"I am here to help, to listen to anything that you want to tell me, to try and understand; I'm not here to judge you, or belittle you, or use anything you tell me against you." She said, as she walked over and knocked on the door, the guard outside opening it slowly.

"Next time I see you, I'll bring coffee and Danish, you still need feeding up." (Y/n) said with a wink, as she left the room.

Arthur shook his head, as the guard came to escort him back to his room; he didn't believe that it was possible for him to find her any more intriguing, but once again she had proved him wrong, and he couldn't wait to see how she would prove him wrong the next time that he met his silent doctor.

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