A Knock at the Door - Arthur X Reader

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Arthur groaned as a knock came at the front door, he wasn't used to getting visitors, and as today was his day off, he wanted to try and rest as much as he possibly could, which for him was probably not much.

He dragged his reluctant body over to the door as yet another insistent knock rang out.

"What!?" Arthur almost shouted as he opened the door. Normally he wouldn't be like this, but after a terrible week of being chased, beaten and treated like crap by everyone, he wasn't in the mood to be sociable in any way shape or form.

"Mister Fleck?" The voice instantly made Arthur look up, his sour attitude suddenly changing as he saw who the owner of the voice was.

In his doorway stood a woman, and he was sure that she was one of the most beautiful things he had ever seen. Her dark hair was pulled back into a neat bun, with the exception of a few stray strands that fell around her face, framing it perfectly. The dark blue suit she wore fitted her perfectly, as if it was made just to fit her every contour and curve; whoever this woman was, she was a professional, and if the suit was anything to go by she must be well paid, Arthur thought to himself.

"Mister Fleck?" She asked again, this time with a large smile as she seemed to notice the slight pink tinge that had come to his cheeks.

"Er.........yeah, I'm er Mister Fleck....... I mean Arthur. H-h-how can I help you?" Arthur said, fumbling over his words, which seemed to make the woman smile all the more at his awkwardness.

"Hello Mister Fleck, my name is Detective (y/f/n) (y/l/n) from the GCPD; I'm just calling as we have been receiving reports of a recent spate of robberies and assaults that have occurred in the building. I'm just going around seeing if anyone might have heard or seen anything, that might help with my enquiries; and if you've been a victim I can help put you in touch with the people that might be able to give you support and advice." The detective said, as she pulled out a small notepad and pen.

"Er....no, I can't say I've seen anything strange, well anything stranger than it already is around here." Arthur said with a slight chuckle, his eyes sparkling brightly when he heard her laugh too.

"You know, you must be the tenth person that's said something like that today." She smiled.

"Rough neighbourhood, yeah?" She asked.

Arthur nodded. "One of the roughest." He said with a shrug.

"Well that would explain why I'm hitting a brick wall then; everyone is closing ranks. Last thing they want is a cop sniffing around, especially an out of towner. Well thank you for your help Mister Fleck." She said as she put her notepad and pen back in her inside pocket and turned to leave.

"DETECTIVE!" Arthur called out, making her turn around.

"We aren't all like that, its just that most of us keep ourselves to ourselves. Like I said, it's a rough neighbourhood. Look, it looks like you're having a rough day, why don't you join me for tea? I was just going to make a pot." Arthur wasn't sure where this newfound confidence was coming from, but whatever was causing it he wasn't complaining.

He watched anxiously as she seemed to muse over his offer for a moment, before she smiled again and accepted his offer.

"Thank you, Mister Fleck, that would be nice; its better than getting the door slammed in my face." She said, as Arthur opened the door wide so she could go inside.

"It's my pleasure, and please call me Arthur, detective." Arthur said as he closed the door and moved to the kitchen.

"Well, Arthur, you should call me (Y/n). Detective, sounds so formal." She said, smiling as he handed her a cup of tea.

"So, you aren't from Gotham (Y/n)?" Arthur asked, sitting down next to her. He couldn't believe that he was being so bold, so open, so "normal", but there was something about her that made him feel safe, and he wanted to make a good impression; he just hoped that he didn't have a laughing fit and scare her away, or make her think he was some kind of freak.

"No, I'm from San Francisco, this is only my second week here, and at the precinct, so I'm still learning my way. I think the guys sent me down here on purpose, knowing that I was on a wild goose chase; they are probably all laughing about it right now." She said with a chuckle, as she took a sip of the tea.


Arthur couldn't believe it when he looked at his watch, it was late and the two and been talking and laughing for hours. The day had been so natural, and it felt like the two had known one another for ever; she had told him all about herself and San Francisco, and he had told her about everything she needed to know about Gotham. Even offering to show her around the city when she had her next day off.

"Oh my gosh (Y/n), I've kept you all day, you'll be in trouble at work, I'm so sorry." Arthur said as he looked at a smiling (Y/n).

"Don't worry Arthur, I'm sure that none of them have even noticed that I'm missing, and if they have, I'll just lie and tell them I got lost." She laughed.

"But it's getting late and I should probably give you some peace and quiet; I've kept you all day, and I'm sure you had better things to do today." She said, standing up from the sofa, straightening her suit.

"To be honest, you are the best thing that could ever have happened today (Y/n)." Arthur said, as he watched her bite her bottom lip, and blush slightly.

She pulled out her notebook and scribbled something down before ripping the page out and handing it to Arthur.

"That's my mobile number, and I'm free on Saturday, so if you still want to show me around, we can do it then." (Y/n) said, as Arthur studied the piece of paper.

Leaning forward she kissed Arthur on the cheek. "Thank you for a great day Arthur, it's the best day I've had since I've been here." She said as Arthur opened the door for her.

"Oh, and make sure you call me Arthur." (Y/n) said with a wink, as she left the apartment and a stunned Arthur.

Staring at the piece of paper in his hand once again, he couldn't believe that a simple knock on the door could open up a whole new world.

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