Secret Love - Arthur x Reader

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From the first moment (Y/n) had seen Arthur, she couldn't help but find him wonderful; every day at the same time, he would come into her coffee shop and order a tea to go, always bringing with him a large smile, and leaving her laughing as he went.

Usually when he came in he was dressed in his clown outfit, but more recently he had started to come in on his days off, staying in (Y/n)'s shop to talk to her, as she busied herself making coffees and serving pastries.

(Y/n) thought Arthur was the nicest guy she had ever met, he was always complimentary, he had the most amazing smile in the world, and whenever he looked at her with those glorious emerald green eyes of his, it would make her weak at the knees.

When he had first come in, he seemed very nervous about even saying a few words to her, but as the months had passed he had become more confident and they would talk as if they were old friends until he had to go back to work.

As she thought about the loveable clown, the bell above the shop door rang out happily as someone stepped into the store; (Y/n) spun around to find her favourite customer shutting the door behind him, his usual large smile seeming to light up her small shop.

"Morning Arthur, nice day for a change isn't it? Would you like your usual tea?" (Y/n) asked, as he walked over to the counter.

"Morning (Y/n), yes tea would be great thank you. Yeah, I'm so used to the cold and damp weather, I forgot what the sun looked like." Arthur said with a soft chuckle.

As (Y/n) made his tea, Arthur dug around in his pockets.

"Oh damn, I'm sorry (Y/n), I don't have enough money to pay for the tea." He said as he fumbled around, looking terribly uncomfortable.

"Arthur don't worry; you've bought enough tea from me to sink a ship, so I'm sure that I owe you one by now. Go sit down at one of the tables, and I'll bring it over for you." (Y/n) said, as she shooed him off over to an empty table.

Arthur couldn't help but smile as he watched (Y/n) busy herself making his tea; from the first moment he had seen her, he thought she was wonderful. She had always been nice to him, and he always found himself smiling whenever he thought about her. To start with his visits to her coffee shop were just casual things, but as he found out more and more about her, he had found himself coming in even when he had a day off just to see her. Seeing her face was becoming the highlight of his day, and he desperately wanted to ask her out, but his fear of rejection and the thought that she could do better than him, was holding him back.

(Y/n) brought him back from his thoughts as she set down his tea and a small plate with a pastry on it in front of him.

"There you go Arthur, one tea, and one Danish pastry, you look like you could use something to eat." She said, as she sat down across the table from him.

Normally Arthur didn't eat a lot, but as (Y/n) was being so kind, and the sweet treat looked so good, he couldn't help but pick up the small fork and dig in.

The two sat there, quietly talking as Arthur ate and drank; he wasn't always too sure about what they were talking about as he was too busy watching her face. Her beautiful smile, the way her nose wrinkled when ever he made her laugh; but more than anything, it was her eyes, just one look at those beautiful eyes and he felt weak at the knees.

"Hi (Y/n)." Came a voice, interrupting Arthur and (Y/n)'s conversation.

(Y/n) turned around, slightly annoyed that her time was Arthur was being interrupted, as she did, she saw her assistant coming up behind the counter.

"Oh, hey Julia. All quiet at the moment, Arthur here has been my only customer so far." (Y/n) said, watching the amused smirk that came to Julia's face; unfortunately for (Y/n), Julia knew all about her secret crush on their unusual customer, and she took great delight in teasing her about it every time he came in.

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