A little Dutch Courage - Arthur x Reader

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As (Y/n) took another drink from the bottle of brown liquor that sat on her table, she grimaced at the taste, and the burning sensation that it made as it flowed down her throat. She didn't drink, but the pain was getting too much, and the thought that whatever alcohol she was consuming might help her forget, even if for a short time had spurred her on to consume the vile tasting liquid.

She had been Arthur's friend for years, been with him through thick and thin, helped him whenever he needed anything, and he had always told her that she was his one true friend; but things had begun to change when Arthur had met her.

Sophie was young and pretty, and perfect, all things that (Y/n) thought she wasn't. (Y/n) was a book worm, a librarian, a no one, and she knew that she couldn't compete.

(Y/n) had met Arthur on one of his visits to the library to find a new book to read to his mother; he was a regular visitor, and (Y/n) had noticed him on more than one occasion, especially when he came to the counter to check a book out, he always had a smile, and his bright green eyes spoke of a gentle soul that she couldn't help but find herself drawn to.

"You don't look like the usual type that check out romance novels." She had whispered to him one day, finally plucking up the courage to speak to him.

Arthur had spun around dropping the pile of books that he had in his arms, a bright pink hue instantly flooding his cheeks as he looked at the smiling woman before him, and then down at the mess that he had made.

"T-t-there not for me, it's for....... it's for my mother." Arthur managed to say as he crouched down to pick up the books, dropping them again as his fingers brushed the hand of the woman as she handed him one of the books.

(Y/n) couldn't help but chuckle, could this man get anymore adorable?

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. If you are looking for a good book, your mom might like this one." (Y/n) told him, handing him one of the books from the floor.

"I've been told it's very good, if you're into that sort of thing. But I think that this one would suit you more." She said, handing him a book that she had been holding to her chest.

Arthur really didn't have time to read much, but as he looked at the cover, he couldn't help but be intrigued.

"It's one of my favourites, and I thought that you might like it too"

Arthur didn't know what to say, he wasn't used to people just coming up and talking to him, especially women, but she seemed so genuine and the look in her eyes told him that she hoped that he would accept her offer, so he found he could do nothing but agree.

"Thanks, it looks interesting. I'll check it out with the other one." Arthur told her, as he finally managed to clear the books from the floor.

"Oh, don't worry, that's my book, keep it as long as you like. My name's (Y/n) by the way." She said, holding out her hand.

Her own book? Why would she offer him her own book? Arthur wasn't sure what to think, but her smile was so beautiful that he didn't care.

"Arthur." He said, shaking her hand firmly.

"Nice to meet you Arthur. Maybe when you've finished the book, I could find you another one."

Arthur had spent every free moment reading the book that (Y/n) had given him, finding it completely fascinating. When he took it back, he found himself sitting happily talking to her about it over a coffee as she gave him another one. And so it went, their meetings becoming regular things as they talked about books, and their lives and dreams; Arthur had finally found someone that he could be himself with, a true friend, and he couldn't be happier. (Y/n) was kind and helpful, she was always there when he needed her, and she would be for years.

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