Gotham's Most Wanted - Part 5

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Ok, so this part is a bit darker. Mentions of death, blood and abuse.

"Ah Mac, you will find that in this life there are always exceptions to the rule." Joker told him.

"And for her I'm willing to break all the rules." He hummed, only loud enough so he could hear.


Business had taken longer than Joker had expected, especially as he was distracted by thoughts of (Y/n). He could still taste her on his lips, feel her skin under his fingertips and it was taking every ounce of the little self-control he had left not to return to his small room, rip her clothes off and make her his.

He was that distracted he nearly missed something that could have landed him back in Arkham sooner than he had ever intended. Someone he trusted had become an informant for the cops; this information did explain why the gang had nearly been caught on a number of occasions, and why the cops had been one step ahead, despite the GCPD all being clueless idiots. And if they had informed on him before, had they informed on him now? Were the cops on their way to the hideout now?

If they were, he could lose (Y/n) forever. If they found him this time, he would be locked in the deepest darkest hell hole in Arkham never to see the light of day again. Whether Thomas Wayne was a vindictive man or not, when it comes to family, something like this can make a man do strange things.

He had kidnapped his sister at gun point, dragged her to a cat house in the middle of nowhere, to be surrounded by the kind of people that would take great delight in killing her, before sending her back in bits to her brother. If that didn't make Thomas Wayne want revenge, then nothing would.

Despite the feelings that (Y/n) seemed to have for him, he knew that Thomas would never let her see him again, and that would be a worse hell than anything that Arkham could come up with. Life in the darkest cell would be easy compared to losing her.

It was at that moment he came up with a plan, it was crazy, insane; it would never work, and surly (Y/n) would never agree. He had only known her a matter of days, not long enough for the scheme that was formulating in his brain to be taken seriously, but given what had happened earlier, he had to talk to her.

Suddenly the doors flew open, as George rushed in, the look on his face struck a strange fear into Joker's heart.

"Boss ya better come quick.... fuck.... ya ain't gonna like this. Lizzie's attacking the Wayne girl with a knife."

Before George had time to finish, Joker was on his feet running through the house. He could hear the screams of the two women as he got closer, two screams at least meant that (Y/n) was still alive. As he got to the long hallway the screams stopped to be replaced by a gut wrenching bloody gurgle. Joker stopped, he knew that sound all too well, it was the sound of the last breaths of life leaving a body; it was the same sound he heard when he killed the three guys on the train, the same sound he heard when he killed Murray, the same sound he heard every time he had taken a life since.

But this noise, this noise broke him. He could feel his heart pound in his chest so violently that he thought it would break through his rib cage at any moment. Without warning, his leg fell weak, and he dropped to the floor, his hand on his chest desperately holding his heart in place.

He could feel a scream build in the pit of his stomach, the pain that wracked his body was overwhelming; he had lost her, how could he have lost her? He had locked the door, surly he was the only one that had the key? But no, Lizzie was a devious woman; she was the one who was the informant, she was the one that had betrayed him and now she had taken (Y/n) from him.

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