Black Widow - Arthur/Joker x Reader

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This isn't my usual style, but I thought I would try something a little different; I just hope it works. 😈


As Arthur opened his eyes, he found himself in complete darkness, his head was pounding and his ribs throbbing. He slowly rose to his feet putting his hands out in front of him trying to feel his way only to bump into a wall. He banged on it with his fist, it was a wall, but it wasn't brick, it felt like glass. In the darkness he noticed a small red glow that would brighten and then dull again, accompanied by the familiar smell of cigarette smoke. Someone was there!

"Hey! Who's there?" There were no words just the sound of a low seductive chuckle that sounded very feminine.

"Hey, where are we?" He waited for a moment, but no one replied all he could see was the glow from the end of the cigarette.

"Hey, I'm talking to you!" Then he heard a voice, it was warm and low, and dripped with seduction.

"Well handsome, we are in an oubliette; a place to be forgotten. A dungeon in this shit hole of an institution. This is where they put the worst of the worst, and that's why you and I are here. So handsome tell me, are you only Joker when you have the grease paint and the suit on or what?"

"How do you know who I am? It's pitch black in here." Arthur said, he wanted some answers and he wanted them now.

"Well you see Artie, when they brought you in the lights were on, so I know exactly who you are, I'm a big fan of your work by the way. Oh, and your ribs will hurt because that bastard Stevens kicked you when you were thrown in the cell. Don't worry, that motherfucker will get his." Arthur continued to look at the small glow wondering what the face of the woman looked like.

"So, you know who I am, who are you?"

"You'll see when the lights come on. Shouldn't be much longer now, those fuckers like screwing with me, they leave me in the dark all day and at night they turn the lights on. Luckily, I don't need much rest. You see I have a love hate relationship with the guards, they love me, and I love to hate them." The woman said giggling wildly.

Suddenly the lights flashed on, a blinding white light which made Arthur cover his eyes.

"FUCK YOU, YOU MOTHERFUCKERS!" Joker heard the woman scream out.

Then a male voice resonated around the cell Joker was in, it sounded like it was coming from an ancient PA system, which crackled and gurgled as the voice came through.

"Now, now (Y/n), be nice. We were kind enough to bring you Joker to play with, you should be thanking us."

"Why don't you come down here Stevens, and I'll show you just how grateful I am." Arthur's eyes were still adjusting to the light, but he could just about make out the blurred figure of the women.

"Oh sweetheart, as much as I would enjoy you showing me your gratitude, I regret that I am going to have to reject your generous offer. See after last time when you killed two of my guards and made another drink his food through a straw for six month you are strictly off limits. I must admit I miss that pretty mouth of yours though!" The man cackled loudly through the system.

"Oh, come on Stevens, you know I don't bite! Well not unless you want me to that is. Just ask Parker." It sounded to Arthur that this verbal stoush was the highlight of the woman's day, and he couldn't help but chuckle.

"If you're a good girl widow I'll put you in the same cell as Joker over there. Seems like the clown prince maybe a bad ass but he's clueless as far as the fairer sex goes. Ain't that right freak?" The invisible voice chuckled. 

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