Creatures of the Night - Part 1 - Joker x Reader

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So I'm trying something a little different with this one. Hope you like it 😊

As she crouched atop the bell tower, she looked down onto the mortals below. 'Cattle', she said to herself; she was hungry, she hadn't had real blood in days. The synthetic blood that a friend had created for her kept some of the hunger away, but not all of it.

One bad guy was all she needed: a walking bag of blood with a bad attitude and a soul darker than her own.

She had watched the riots that had taken place in the city of Gotham and had decided that there was more than enough evil in this single city to keep her sated for a long time. No one, but no one would miss a few less bad guys in this city of sin.

It was then she saw one, a clown; one of the followers of the man they called Joker. She knew he was up to no good, hell anything dressed like a clown was up to no good.

Gotham was now a free for all. The good hid in their homes in the night hours, and the bad, her prey, walked freely attacking anyone foolish or unlucky enough to be out after sunset. As the sun descended below the horizon her powers coursed through her veins. Although she could be out during the day, she didn't really enjoy the light; her natural element was the dark, the shadows, and it was during the darkness that her full powers came to her.

She watched the clown walk around as if he owned the city, so smug, so arrogant; so asking for her to sink her teeth into his neck and bleed him dry.

As the night got darker, she followed the clown, jumping from rooftop to rooftop always keeping the smell of her prey in her nostrils. She could hear his blood coursing through his veins, every beat of his heart was music to her ears.

Then there it was, what she had been waiting for, a scream and the glint of a weapon in the moonlight.

A knife was at the throat of a woman, she could hear woman whimper, hear her beg the man in front of her; but the woman's pleas were met with nothing more than laughter. She sat on the roof of the building just above the scene, she briefly contemplated taking them both; she could smell the fear that was coursing through the woman's veins, and it was as sweet as any blood. But she had promised herself that she would take only those that deserve it, to take the clowns one by one until the scourge was gone.

Another scream brought the creature back to the moment, a glimpse of crimson trickling down the woman's neck as the clown pressed the knife further into her flesh, filled her senses with the all too familiar bloodlust.

Silently the creature descended from the roof, coming to rest behind the clown, and she couldn't help but smile as the woman's eyes widened at the sight of her; within an instant the creature had the clown by the throat, her elongated teeth sunk deep into his neck. As the sticky crimson liquid trickled down her throat, she felt the exquisite feeling of her hunger being sated, once the clown was exsanguinated, she dropped the empty, lifeless vessel to the floor.

"Run before I change my mind and take you too." She said to the woman, who had watched the scene unfold shaking in fear.

"T-t-thank you." The woman whispered before she ran into the night.

The creature cleaned herself, as she kicked the empty blood sack on the floor, she knew that this would not be the only clown she drained tonight, but for now his blood would do.


Joker stood over the body of yet another one of his followers, the cadaver drained of every last drop of life giving blood; this was not the first body Joker had stood over, the corpses of his followers were littering Gotham, and despite everything he had tried he could not find out who the perpetrator was.

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