A Night of Opera - Arthur x Reader

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"Why the hell is Hoyt hiring an opera singer? What do we need one of those here for?" Randall said, as he applied the last of the makeup.

"Its called class Randall, something you'd know absolutely nothing about." Gary said, winking at Arthur as he passed by him to get to his locker.

"Hoyt is trying to appeal to high end clients that don't want a DJ at their weddings; he thinks an opera singer could give the business some much needed credibility with the rich folk." Gary continued, as he pulled out his costume from his locker.

"How the hell do you know all this? Hoyt never tells anyone anything about shit like this." Randall said, looking suspiciously over at the little man.

"I know all this because I am the one that introduced Hoyt to his new employee." Gary said, with a small smirk as he looked up at Randall.

"You, know an opera singer? I can't believe that you even know what opera is. Anyway, its probably some old fat guy with a bald head, warbling as he stuffs his face with another plate of pasta." Randall said, a smug look on his face, thinking that he had made some witty observation.

Arthur and Gary couldn't help but chuckle, if anyone knew about being an old fat guy with a bald head, it was definitely Randall.

"I'll have you know that I know quite a lot about opera, and for your information (Y/n) is neither old, nor fat nor a guy, and she most certainly does not stuff her face with plates of pasta. In fact, she is a rather beautiful woman, with an amazing nature and beautiful voice." Gary told Randall; whose eyes had started to sparkle at the prospect of having a beautiful woman in the place.

"Well if it's a lady she might not be too bad, we need something nice to look at around here, god knows I'm sick of looking at your ugly mugs." Randall said, grinning like a Cheshire cat.

Gary chuckled. "Believe me Randall, (Y/n) is way out of your league, for a start she has eyes, she will be able to see how ugly you are." Gary said, looking over at Arthur who was desperately trying to cover up a laugh while trying to put on his makeup.

Before Randall could try and shoot Gary down, there was a knock at the locker room door, slowly it opened, to reveal what Arthur could only assume was an angel.

"I'm terribly sorry, but I'm looking for the office." The woman said, before her eyes fell on Gary.

"Oh Gary, I'm so glad that you're here, I was a little nervous about not knowing anyone." She said, falling to her knees to give the little man a hug.

"Hi (Y/n) sweetheart, it's nice to see you again; I didn't think you were coming in until later. Never mind, I'll take you to the office in a minute, but let me introduce you to a couple of the guys first." Gary said, as (Y/n) rose to her feet to find herself face to face with Randall.

"Enchantee, mademoiselle." Randall said in the worst French accent anyone had ever heard, as he took (Y/n)'s hand and kissed her knuckles.

"My name is Randall; but you can call me any time." He joked, wriggling his eyebrows at the uncomfortable looking woman.

"Yeah, that's Randall, don't mind him (Y/n), he's just an idiot." Gary told her, as he pulled her hand from Randall's.

"Sweetheart, I'd like you too meet my friend Arthur." Gary said, grabbing a shocked Arthur's hand and placing it in (Y/n)'s so she could shake it.

"Oh, so you're Arthur, it's nice to finally be able to put a face to the name; Gary has told me so much about you." (Y/n) said, smiling at the stunned looking man before her.

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