Open and shut case - Part 11 - Joker x Reader

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(Y/n) choked down her coffee and raced for the door. Grabbing for her coat as she tore past. As she had said, the night before had been a long one. She, Rowan and Isabella not finishing what they had to get done, until the early hours. Then, instead of going home and getting some much needed sleep, she had pushed a tape into her VCR and watched Arthur's appearance on the Murray Franklin show. Over and over again. Taking note of everything her client had done from the moment that he had appeared from behind the curtains. Reading the copies of the statements that had been made to police by those working on the set that day. She had to admit that whereas the Joker's other killings had not been planned, this. Shooting Franklin, was cold blooded, premeditated murder. He had asked to be introduced as "Joker" when he came out on stage. He had had the gun with him. And it was obvious, that despite how crazy his actions were, Arthur, or should that now be Joker, was there to confront the comedian. That the clown had already determined that the night was only going to end one way. And that was going to be with Franklin having an extra hole in his head.

(Y/n) had also watched another tape. The tape where Franklin had shown Arthur's failed stand-up performance. Annoyed at how the older man had berated and belittle Arthur. The lawyer having to admit that it wasn't the funniest thing that she had ever seen in her life. In fact, it could be described as painful to watch. Yet that didn't give Franklin the right to do what he had done and say what he had said, just for a few cheap laughs. A little part of her amused that Joker had got the last laugh. (Y/n) always believing that Franklin was overrated. An old hack that was given far more airtime than he truly deserved. But what did she know?

(Y/n) muttered under her breath, as she finally got to her car. Dropping the contents of her purse onto the hood. Not sure how she could lose her car keys between her apartment and there. Cursing as she tried to juggle everything. Pushing tissues, makeup compacts, and all manner of other sundries, that in her mind she believed could one day be useful, out of the way. Holding up the keys triumphantly for a moment, before unceremoniously shoved everything back into the bag.

She had decided that it was one of those days. She had only intended to sleep a couple of hours. Yet she had slept through the alarm, and then she had had to rush around like a headless chicken to make sure that she got everything done that she needed to do, before she went and saw Arthur. (Y/n)'s eyes darting to the clock in the dash, as she turned the keys in the ignition. She didn't want to be late. She didn't want him to think that she wasn't coming. She didn't want him to think, that despite all that she had said. All that she had promised him, she, just like everyone else, had abandoned him. (Y/n) feeling that she was building up a rapport with the feared clown. That a little trust had begun to develop between her and her client. And she didn't want to ruin that by even being a minute late. But all she could do, as she made her way out into the crazy traffic, was hope that someone, somewhere, was watching down on her and would allow her to get to Arkham on time.


Arthur sat in the small interview room. His eyes continually darting up to look at the clock on the wall. She had told him that she would be there at one. That she had things to do, but she would be there. Though as the seconds ticked away, a little part of him was beginning to wonder whether all her promises. All her fancy rhetoric had meant nothing. That she, just like everyone else, had abandoned him.

"Awwwwwwwww. Looks like she ain't coming Fleck. Looks like she doesn't want anything to do with you either. Shame though. I would have liked to show her what a real man, not a freak that likes to paint his face and kill people, could do for her." The guard from the night before mocked, as he stood in the doorway. Joker slowly getting to his feet, as the clock ticked over to a minute past one.

"Who isn't coming?" A voice came from behind the man. Joker sitting down in his seat at the sound of (Y/n)'s obviously annoyed tone. A tone that made a large smile come to his lips. The guard moving out of her way, as she walked past him into the room. His eyes wide, as she stood before him.

"Is that how you speak to all the patients here? Is that how you treat everyone? Because I can truthfully say that I have never seen such a lack of professionalism in my life. You, Mister............."

"Taylor............." Joker chimed in with a chuckle.

"Thank you, Arthur. You, Mister Taylor are a disgrace. You are not here to judge my client, or any of the other people that have found themselves here. Judgment is for the courts and a jury. You are nothing more than a glorified babysitter. Here to make sure that kiddies don't throw temper tantrums. Now, I would suggest that you get out and leave me to speak with my client." (Y/n) growled, as she glared at the man before her. Taylor gulping and nodding before quickly moving to leave the room

"Oh, and Mister Taylor. I can assure you that even if you were the last man on this planet, there would not be a single thing that you could do for me. Now get out, and if I am ever unfortunate enough to see your face again when I come to see my client, I will be sure to inform your superiors of this incident." (Y/n) added. Joker unable to stop himself from laughing, as the guard raced off like a scolded cat.

"That was wonderful.........." Joker chuckled, as (Y/n) took a seat at the table across from him. A wickedly gleeful twinkle coming to his eyes, as she made herself comfortable.

"Sorry........? Oh apologies for that. It is just that I have met men like that before. And no matter what they do. What their upbringing. They all have one thing in common. And that is to be the biggest asshole that they possibly can be." (Y/n) replied. Chuckling herself, as she placed the large case file on the table.

"Now, my apologies for being a little late. As this case of yours seems to be developing a terrible habit of keeping a girl busy, my schedule has been thrown off a little. But now that I am here, why don't we discuss Franklin?" (Y/n) added, as she placed her recorder on the table. Joker smiling as he reached for a cigarette, and leaned back in his chair.  

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