The Silent Doctor - Part 3

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"Please take a seat Professor." Doctor Henderson, the head psychiatrist at Arkham said, as he pulled out a chair for (Y/n) to sit on.

When (Y/n) had told Joker about herself, everything she had told him had been true, apart from one thing that she left out; at medical school her grades had not just been good, they had been exceptional, her high IQ aiding her to come summa cum laude, achieving the highest score ever recorded in her exams, meaning not only did she achieve her doctorate but it also ensured that she quickly gained tenure as Professor of psychology, teaching at one of the best medical schools in the country, and despite her years, she was a well respected psychiatrist, and that was why Arkham had sent for her.

"How are you finding Fleck, are you getting anywhere with him?" He asked, as he sat in his large leather chair on the other side of the large desk.

"Joker is an intelligent man, and I call him Joker because that is who he is now; there is only the slightest glimmer of what was Arthur Fleck left, he's like Doctor Jekyll and Mr Hyde, but in Arthur's case, he no longer needs the formula to change, and the doctor has taken full control, and has no intention of ever reverting back to his weaker alter ego. He is exceptionally guarded and seemingly untrusting of anyone but himself, which given his past life, I can fully appreciate." (Y/n) told Henderson, as he leant forward, picking up the cigarette box on his desk, and taking one out before offering the box to (Y/n), an offer which she declined.

"I know it is a little simplistic to ask, Professor; but is Fleck truly insane." Henderson asked, a question that received a scoffing chuckle from (Y/n).

"For me, a person's sanity or insanity boils down to a point of view; what one person may see as an act of madness, another person may see as a justified act, it is all a matter of interpretation." (Y/n) began, before Henderson interrupted her.

"So, are you trying to tell me that you think what Fleck did was alright, that it was justified?" The doctor asked in disbelief, furrowing his brow as the exasperated Professor shook her head and sighed at the man's obvious inability to understand concepts from more than one angle.

"No. What I am saying is that what Arthur did was not an act of insanity in his mind, each murder was justified, each victim deserved what they got; his actions were the only way that he believed he was ever going to be recognised, the only way he was going to be seen by a society that didn't care, they were is only way of him getting back the life he had been denied for so long. In his mind, Joker is not insane, he is just a better, stronger version of Arthur, the man that Arthur always secretly wanted to be. Arthur was a shy, awkward loner, who had no real friends, no outside interests other than work and trying to become a stand-up comedian, and most importantly of all, no woman in his life other than the one that dared to call herself his mother. Joker on the other hand is strong, confident, cool, and commanding, people actually listen and take notice of him; he's confident and cocky, and proud of the fact that people are scared of him. The brain damage, the abuse, the social isolation, the lack of physical and emotional connection with another human being, all created a ticking time bomb, a bomb that exploded in the most dramatic fashion. Sanity is a point of view, you may see the murders and the burning of Gotham as lunacy, but to Joker, they were the sanest thing that he had ever done, his old life was what was insane." (Y/n) explained, as the doctor leaned back in his chair, and stared at the woman before him.

"Do you think that you can get anywhere with him if we give you more time?" Henderson asked, as (Y/n) chuckled softly to herself.

"That all depends on what you want out of him?" She told Henderson, as she rose from the seat and made her way to the door.

"Can he be cured?" Henderson called out after her, as she turned back to look at him.

"Joker doesn't need to be cured; Joker is the cure." (Y/n) told him as she left the room, determined to get the coffee and Danish that she had promised Arthur, before they met again.

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