The Silent Doctor

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Arthur sat across from the psychiatrist; they had been seeing one another for weeks, yet the woman was yet to say a single word to him other than "I'll see you next time", as she left the room.

All she would do was sit across from him, occasionally look up, give him a soft smile, and return to whatever she was doing in the small notebook that she always brought with her.

He had enjoyed the idea of being able to torture yet another doctor when he had been informed that a further psychiatrist had been assigned to try and get inside his head; but to his annoyance, he found the one that had been tortured was him.

As soon as she had walked into the room that first time, he knew that there was something different about this woman; it wasn't just the fact that she was beautiful that made her different from every other doctor he had ever seen, it was the aura that surrounded her. Even most seasoned doctors seemed to be nervous when trying to talk to the infamous Joker; but not her, she was cool, calm, and had a strange serenity that made Arthur feel comfortable in her presence.

To begin with, he had quite enjoyed the silence of their meetings, not really wanting to talk to another doctor; but after all this time, the torture of this drawn out silence had finally proved too much for him, and his curiosity had completely got the better of him.

"Aren't you paid to talk to me? I mean, aren't you supposed to be trying to dig around in my head to find out what makes me tick?" Arthur asked grumpily, as he stubbed out yet another cigarette.

Slowly she closed her notebook and looked at him for the first time that day.

"To be honest, I get paid whether you talk to me or not, and knowing that I would be wasting my breath if I did try and talk to you, I just figured that I wouldn't bother and just enjoy the peace and quiet instead." The doctor told him, Arthur noticing the small mischievous glint in her eye.

"Call yourself a doctor, what kind of shrink does that?' Arthur asked, not particularly liking the smirk that had grown across her lips.

"A clever shrink does things like that, Arthur." She told him, leaning across the table and taking the lit cigarette from between Arthur's lips, taking in a deep draw, and letting out a great plume of smoke.

"I know of your history with other doctors, and I knew that you wouldn't want to talk if I started asking you all those usual mind-numbing questions, that all the others ask you, going over and over the same things, again and again, but achieving nothing. I knew that if I just sat here and let you think, sooner or later you would get intrigued, or annoyed, and then you would break the silence." She said, raising the cigarette to her lips to suck in the smoke.

"You know, I could give you something else to suck on that you might find more satisfying." Arthur chuckled, grinning widely as he leant forward, placing his elbows on the table, and his head in his hands.

"Ah, crude sexual innuendos, I really would expect better of you. I mean, you aren't a stupid man, yet you lower yourself to childish, smutty allusions; I think its beneath you." The doctor told him, butting out the cigarette in the ashtray as she picked up her notebook, and began scribbling in it.

"Writing about how I'm sexually frustrated, and repressed; writing about how the feared Joker is actually an inhibited virgin, that covers up his inadequacies by coming across confident, arrogant, and cocky?" Arthur growled, as he watched the woman put down her pen, and look up at him.

"Actually no. I haven't written a single word in this book. If you don't believe me, see for yourself. "She said, throwing the book across the table, Arthur catching it as it flew at him.

Opening the book, Arthur stared wide eyed at the contents; each page was covered with a different drawing of him, one showed him smoking, another was of him smiling, and yet another showed him laughing; each image was perfect, each looking as though she had taken a photo of him, and glued it into her book; and in each one, his eyes had been highlighted in a bright emerald green.

"You see Arthur, there is more than one way of learning about someone, and even though we haven't really said anything to one another over the past few weeks, I have learnt a lot about you; from the way you hold yourself, to the way you look at me, I've been able to get quite the insight into you, Arthur Fleck." She told Arthur, as she reached across, and took the notebook out of his hands.

"You know, there is an old African proverb that says. "The child who is not embraced by the village will burn it down to feel its warmth." I think that must have been written for you Arthur." She said, as she looked up at the clock, seeing that the session was almost over with.

"From now on, if you want to talk, we can; but if you don't, well that's ok too." She said, standing from the table and making her way to the door, waiting for the guard to unlock it.

"I'll see you again Arthur; and next time we meet you can call me (Y/n)." She told him, giving him a wink before she left the room.

Arthur leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms across his chest and smiling. Maybe this silent doctor wouldn't be so bad to talk to after all.

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