The Giant and the Imp - Part 2

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The second part of my little flight of fancy, I hope you forgive me for such a silly little imagine, but I couldn't help myself. 😊

Arthur couldn't help but chuckle at his new little friend as the two made their way from her world, and back into the normal park, her mouth and eyes opening wide as she finally saw the true extent of what lay beyond the iron gates.

As discreetly as possible, Arthur tried to answer the multitude of questions that were bombarding him, as the little imp sat on his shoulder, staring in awe at the enormous buildings, and the other giants that populated his world.

"(Y/n)?" Arthur finally managed to ask, the tiny creature holding tightly to the lock of his hair, as they had their way up the mountainous flight of stairs.

"How long have you been on your own in that garden?" He asked, noticing that the imp's smile had turned a little sad.

"I'm not really on my own, I have the animals and the insects to keep me company; but I can't ever remember seeing another imp, or any other fairy folk. I've always been on my own, always looked after the garden, it's always been just me." (Y/n) said sadly, as she leaned against Arthur's neck.

"You are the first real friend that I have ever had." She said, quickly wiping away the glistening tear that rolled down her cheek.

Arthur couldn't help but feel empathy for the little imp; for all of his life he had felt alone, he knew the pain of loneliness, the pain of feeling unwanted, the pain of feeling that you were the only one; but whether (Y/n) was a figment of his imagination or not, he felt happy that (Y/n) thought of him as her friend.

"Cheer up little one, let's get you to my apartment, and show you what it's like in there. I know it's not much, and it's not as beautiful as your garden; but it's home." Arthur told her, trying to distract the little woman as they entered his building.


As night drew in, Arthur readied a little bed for (Y/n), watching with a smile as she yawned and stretched before rubbing her eyes.

"Can you show more tomorrow, show me more of what you called the city?" (Y/n) asked, as Arthur tucked her into the makeshift bed.

"Well I would, but I have to go to work tomorrow." Arthur said apologetically, as (Y/n) sat up, curiosity in her eyes.

"Work? What is work? Can I go there with you?" (Y/n) asked, fluttering up in front of Arthur's face.

"Well." Arthur began, rubbing the back of his neck as he tried to work out the best way of explaining payed employment to an imp.

"You see, in my world, I have to do a job to earn money so that I can pay for this apartment and bills, it's a little hard to explain; and I don't think that would be a good idea for you to come, what if people were to see you, and there are some not so nice giants where I work." Arthur tried to explain.

"But you said that you would look after me." (Y/n) said, dropping back down on her bed, and showing Arthur he swollen ankle.

"And I want to be with you Arthur, you're my friend." (Y/n) told him, pouting slightly, and giving him her best puppy dog eyes.

Despite wanting to leave her safely in the apartment, Arthur couldn't help but give in to her request. "If that is what you wish little one, then that is what we will do." Arthur promised, smiling to himself as (Y/n) closed her eyes.

Arthur slide under his covers, half not wanting to sleep as he peered over to where the tiny woman was laying, fearing that if he did he may wake up to find that his beautiful new friend was all a dream, a wonderful figment of his imagination.

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