Schoolboy crush - Part 5 - Arthur x Reader

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Time. What was it about time? On one hand it could be fleeting, passing quicker than you wanted it to. On the other, a moment could seem to last a lifetime. Sometimes you wished that you could turn it back so that you could return to special moments in your life. And then other times you longed to be able to make it go forward so that you didn't have to face your current situation. But no matter what we may think or want, time is a law unto itself, and there is nothing that any of us could do to alter that. Well, that was what Arthur had always thought. But as (Y/n) sat across the table from him in the small diner. He wasn't so sure. To him, (Y/n) had somehow managed to stop time and reverse it all at once. Made it seem that the world outside was still going on, but here, in this little booth, it felt as if the hands of the clock had stopped. That they had been transported back to a malt shop that (Y/n) had taken him to, before she had left Gotham. And he couldn't be happier.

"I swear, I don't think that Gotham has changed one bit. It doesn't matter how many years I've been away, this city never seems to change, especially for the better. But if there's one thing that I'm glad hasn't changed, it has to be you, Arthur. We may both be a little older and frayed around the edges, but I swear that you are the same lost, wonderful young man that I knew all those years ago. You still have that same sweet smile. That same sparkle in those emeralds that you call eyes. I even think that you would still be embarrassed to find yourself in my room like you did when you walked me home that first time." (Y/n) chuckled, as she took a sip of the foamy shake in front of her.

"I might not have changed, but.......but you have, (Y/n). I think that you have gotten even more beautiful." Arthur replied. His eyes falling to the table, so that hopefully (Y/n) wouldn't be able to see the blush that had just flooded his cheeks.

"Why you silver tongued devil you." (Y/n) laughed, as she reached across the table, and placed her hand on top of his. Arthur's eyes flying up to see (Y/n)'s smiling face. Arthur sure that he was going to burn up from the inside out.

"You know, the only thing I have ever regretted in my life, is the fact that I didn't kiss you that night. That I didn't kiss you before I left Gotham." (Y/n) admitted. It now her turn to blush. Arthur gulping at the large lump that had formed in his throat upon hearing her confession.

" wanted to kiss me? Really? Me?" Arthur finally managed to splutter out. The clown sure that his heart was going to burst, as (Y/n) reached out her hand and brushed away a lock of his hair.

"Of course, you. You were....... are, the only boy that ever walked me home. Even after all these years, no one else has ever walked me home. No one else has ever been such a gentleman. Even though originally you only did it because you needed an excuse for listening to my conversation with Mister Taylor. So that Mackenzie and his little boyband didn't beat you up again. But what matters is that you did. And for that entire evening you were kind, and wonderful. You made me laugh. Made me forget about that crappy house and my awful mother. You made me feel important. And I should have kissed you for that at least. But when I woke up in the morning and you were still there, holding me tight. I really should have kissed you." (Y/n) replied. Her voice soft and low as she spoke. Arthur knowing that everything she was saying was true. That there was no insincerity in her voice as she spoke. No sense that she was just saying these things to be nice. That she was just trying to make him feel better. Arthur finding himself slowly leaning across the table. Leaning further into her hand. The quiet clown's eyes fixed on (Y/n)'s, as he felt her move closer too. As he felt their breath mingle, their lips grow closer..............

"Can I get you anything else?" A voice suddenly interrupted. (Y/n) and Arthur almost jumping out of their skins as they quickly moved apart. The pair of them turning to look at the waitress that now stood by the side of the table. Arthur not wanting to be rude, but unable to stop himself from thinking that the older woman was wearing more makeup than he did for work. The smacking of her lips, as she chewed on an old piece of gum, sounding like nails down a chalkboard to the clown's ears.

"Er........Arthur, do you want anything else?" (Y/n) asked, as she turned her attention to him. It obvious to Arthur that (Y/n) was finding the incessant chewing, just as irritating as he was.

"No, thank you. We're good." (Y/n) told the waitress, as Arthur shook his head in reply. The older woman huffing slightly before slapping their bill down on the table and leaving the pair. Both (Y/n) and Arthur breathing out a sigh of relief.

"So...........are you.........are you gonna see your mom while you're home?" Arthur finally asked. Lamenting the lose of (Y/n)'s touch, as she moved her hand from his cheek.

"I.........not really. Well, not in the strictest sense, anyway. My mom died about five years ago. We hadn't really spoken since I left the city. There was no real need to. I knew that she was glad to be rid of me. Having a kid hanging around, did always cramp her style. She told me that more than once herself, when she had come home drunk. She never did like the fact that her creepy boyfriends were more interested in me than her. That was why I had that big lock on my bedroom door." (Y/n) began, as she pushed her milkshake out of the way. Arthur wishing that he had not brought up the subject, as the smile disappeared from her lips.

"I........I.......I'm sorry, (Y/n)...........I didn't mean.........."

"Nothing to be sorry for Arthur. We were never close. To be honest, I was always surprised that the state hadn't taken me off her. It was really weird, but I found an old Gotham paper in one our offices one day, and just out of curiosity I started to read it. I got to the obituaries, and I had the strangest feeling that her name would be there. And sure enough, in a tiny little piece right down at the bottom of the page, was my mom's name. It was about six months after she had passed. I didn't know whether to feel sad, angry, happy, lost. And then I realised, and I know that it sounds awful, that I didn't feel anything." (Y/n) continued. Her gaze momentarily turning to the world outside, as she quickly brushed away the single tear that threatened to roll down her cheek. A smile coming back to her lips, as she turned back to look at Arthur.

"So........apart from a quick trip to the cemetery in the morning, I am all yours, Arthur. Well........that is if you want to spend more time with me? I know you probably have work and everything. And I wouldn't want to............"

"No, no, no. I mean, yes..........well.........what I mean is that I would love to spend more time with you. We can do anything that you want. Work will be fine.........I.........." Arthur interrupted. Not wanting (Y/n) to think for one moment that he didn't want to keep seeing her.

"Great. Now, lets get out of here before I am forced to make that waitress swallow that gum of hers." (Y/n) chuckled, as she slid out of the booth and placed some money on the table. Offering Arthur her hand before the pair made their way back onto the streets.   

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