Dark Night - Part 2

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Includes lyrics from 'My Immortal' by Evanescence.

"Jesus Arthur, you look like shit." Gary said, as Arthur dragged his reluctant body into the locker room, dropping onto the bench in front of his locker.

"You aren't still having those nightmares, are you? Seriously Arthur, you can't go on like this." The little man told him, as he sat down next to him.

"Why don't you just try and find this girl?" Gary said, concerned at the bedraggled appearance of his friend.

Arthur had eventually told Gary about his nightmares, about what he had done so many years ago after he had seen Arthur come into work looking more tired and drawn than usual. It had been going on for days, and Arthur didn't want him to worry, so he had told his small friend everything, apart from the fact that the girl in question was now the lead singer of one of the biggest bands in the world.

"It.... it's not that easy Gary, I only wish it was, but I know that she is coming back to Gotham, I just have to try and work out a way of seeing her." Arthur said, his shoulders slumped at the thought of how the hell he was going to try and get close enough to explain himself and his actions to (Y/n).

As he sat at the vanity unit, the light from the bright bulbs bouncing off his skin as he applied the white makeup to his face, Arthur couldn't help but think that maybe he was overthinking things again; if he did manage to talk to (Y/n) she probably wouldn't even remember who he was, never mind what he had said all those years ago, she was more likely to think that he was some crazed fan and he would end up being dragged away by two burly security guards.

He looked at his reflection in the mirror, even after this time he was disgusted at himself, how could he of all people say those things to another person, especially someone like (Y/n); her family had welcomed him into their home as one of their own, treated him better than anyone had ever done before, and he had thrown it all away for the fake promise of popularity. (Y/n) had been right when she had called him a cowardly, pathetic weakling, he had given up anything that was important to him that day, and even if he did get a chance to apologise, and she actually remembered who he was, no one could really forgive him for what he had said, not even a person with a perfect a heart as (Y/n)'s.

"Hey Arthur!" A voice called out from behind him, bringing Arthur back to reality with bump.

"Hoyt wants to see ya. Have you been a naughty boy?" Randall chuckled, as he barged his way into the locker room, making his irritating presence known to all.

"Give him a break will ya Randall. What does Hoyt want anyway?" Gary huffed, as he looked over at Arthur, who was reluctantly moving from his chair to go see the boss.

"I wasn't talking to you pipsqueak, and why the fuck would I know what Hoyt wants to see him about." Randall growled, smirking at Arthur as he slowly made his way out of the door.

"Don't worry Arthur, if Hoyt sacks you, I'll help ya clean out ya locker." Randall called out, laughing at the thought of Arthur losing his job.

"Come." Arthur heard as he knocked on Hoyts door. Hesitantly he pushed the door open, cautiously popping his head into the office, his eyes falling on an oddly happy Hoyt.

"Ah Arthur, just the man; please take a seat." Hoyt said, grinning strangely, something that Arthur was finding more unnerving than Hoyts usual gruff demeanour.

"I have just received a job and I need a couple of you guys to act as ushers for a musical performance that is coming to town; I know you're probably not the best candidate for the job, but given what else I have to choose from, it works out that you are one of the best options. It's an important job, and I don't want it fucked up, working for Dark Night while they are in town could prove to be a big step for the business, and................."

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