My girl - Part 4 - Joker x Reader

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I am so very sorry that this has taken so long for me to finish. I hope that you forgive me and enjoy.

"You don't scare me." (Y/n) said with a chuckle, as she stared wide eyed at the figure that sat across from her, just watching her rock herself backwards and forwards on her chair. Her hands covering her ears in a vain attempt to keep out the disembodied voices that had been bombarding her for weeks.

As much as she had tried to fight. As much as she had felt herself disappear. There was nothing that she could do in the end. Without Arthur to help her, as much as she had helped him, things had begun to unravel. And now, now there was nothing to hold the demons at bay.

"I can do anything; you know that don't you." (Y/n) giggled, as she got up from her chair and danced around her apartment, the man doing nothing more than smiling at her, as she spun and twirled.

Under normal circumstances (Y/n) would have known that the figure across from her was a figment of her imagination. One of the ghosts that haunted her mind and only appeared when things got bad; and now things were bad. (Y/n) was being bombarded by sights and sounds that she could no longer control, her medication long out of her system. The manic episode taking control of her entirely. She was on top of the world and had no desire to come down.

It had been weeks since she had met Joker in Arthur's old apartment. Weeks since she had heard his confession and his pledge, and weeks since she had begun to tumble down into a dark hole. A dark hole from which there seemed no chance of return. But now she no longer cared, she liked this hole. She didn't need to sleep, she had accomplished all she wanted to do, and she had come up with a scheme to get the one thing she wanted. The one thing she had wanted for so long. But now that Arthur was gone, she had turned her sights on Joker.

"And do you know what I am going to do now?" (Y/n) asked, as she stopped dancing and looked at the silent man in the chair. The hallucination shaking his head and waiting for her to explain.

"I'm going to become a clown. (Y/n) the clown. But not a clown like Carnival was. No, no, no............ A killer clown, just like Joker." (Y/n) declared with another giggle. The young woman darting over to her chair, producing a small handgun from under the cushions, and pointing it at the dark figure.

"I am going to find Joker. And if anyone gets in my way.......BANG! Just like Joker did to that idiot, Murray. And you.......well you are going to be the first." (Y/n) explained. A single bullet speeding through the barrel as she pulled on the trigger. (Y/n) laughing out loud, as the man suddenly disappeared.

"Now, to complete the transformation." (Y/n) said, as she turned to look at herself in the mirror. Arthur's girl skipping, as she made her way into the bathroom.


Joker was growing concerned. He had been getting reports from his followers ever since the night she had handed him the picture. (Y/n)'s behaviour, according to the men observing, was becoming more and more erratic as the days passed. Joker knew all too well the signs of a manic episode, Arthur had had more than his fair share, but he had only ever seen (Y/n) have one once before. And it had ended with him having to talk her down from the ledge of the apartment building. Arthur hating himself, as he had called for an ambulance. The clown knowing that she would be kept in Arkham until her condition stabilised. Yet now, that was not an option. And he knew that despite what had happened between them. What they had said. He was going to have to go and find her. To bring her back to his new home, and care for her until she could work through the episode. And he would do that whether she liked it or not. Joker determined that he would not let the voices and monsters in her mind, take her from him.

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