Look what we made - Arthur x Reader

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Arthur fidgeted nervously in the back of the cab, jumping up and down in the back seat like a jack rabbit in a box; he knew it was going to happen, but of all the days why did it have to be today?

Arthur had received a rushed phone call from Gary while he was performing at some rich kids party, to tell him that (Y/n) had gone into labour, and that he needed to get to the hospital as quickly as he could, and that he would meet him there.

(Y/n) was Gary's younger sister, but physically she couldn't be more different from her brother if she tried; she was beautiful and nearly as tall as Arthur, with long sleek hair and a pair of deep smoky jade green eyes that had captivated Arthur from the first moment he had set eyes on her when she had come to find her brother at Ha Has. Gary hadn't been sure whether he was keen on the idea of Arthur going out with his sister to begin with, but as it became more than obvious that it didn't matter whether he liked it or not, (Y/n) would always get what she wanted, and she had taken an instant liking to the shy, awkward Arthur.

"Can't you go any quicker? My fiancée is in labour." Arthur said anxiously to the taxi driver who turned around and looked him up and down.

Arthur was still in his full Carnival outfit, including big shoes, face paint and green wig, having had to rush straight out of the party.

"Pal, if ya can't tell its rush hour, and the damn cities gridlocked, so sit still or get out and walk; and believe me, if I were you I would marry that girl as quick as possible, cos if she can see past that outfit then she's a keeper." The taxi driver scoffed, as Arthur reached into his pocket, threw a couple of bills at the driver, and jumped out of the back of the taxi, dodging the slowly moving traffic as he began to run through the city.

Arthur ran, faster than he had ever run before, (Y/n) wasn't due for another month, and his mind couldn't help but race with a million thoughts as he sprinted along the city streets, dodging people and piles of garbage.

He couldn't help but think of their first awkward date, as he had fumbled and stuttered his way through the meal, nearly spilling a full glass of wine on (Y/n)'s dress; how she had giggled at his jokes, and blushed as his eyes met hers, how he had walked her back to her apartment, and how despite how many times he had messed up, she had agreed to go out on another date with him; but the best part was when she had kissed him softly on the cheek before she entered her building, leaving him in a shaky euphoric mess, his hand touching the spot she had just kissed. He could remember how he had danced down the street, humming happily to himself, not caring what anyone else might think.

He could remember vividly their first night together, as (Y/n) had shown him love like he had never experience before, how she had assured him that she loved him, that despite his fears and trepidations, he was the only man she wanted, that there was no one better; that he, and only he was the one she wanted to love her. Arthur had known from the first moment that he had set eyes on her beautiful face in the locker room at Ha- Has, that he was in love, that despite his condition, and his reservedness, he would do whatever it took to have this gorgeous creature in front of him, in his life; and as their bodies had become one that first time, as their sweat soaked frames had intertwined with one another in a lovers embrace, he knew for sure that she was his.

As Arthur got closer and closer to the hospital, he ignored the curious stares of the people as he barrelled down the streets; all that was important was getting to (Y/n), and even though his heart was pounding so violently in his chest that he swore that any minute it would escape, he continued to run.

With every foot fall images of his life with (Y/n) flashed through his mind, how his life had been so much better since he had met her, how every day seemed to be brighter, and more perfect. He could remember how he had asked her to marry him, how he had persuaded Gary to dress up as a clown cupid, and present the ring to his shocked sister as Arthur had got down on one knee and took her hand, slipping the simple gold band on her finger as she had said yes.

As he pushed open the doors of the maternity unit at Arkham Hospital, his eyes fell on the small figure of Gary who seemed to be waiting for him.

"Well? Where is she...... is everything ok? Have......have I missed it?" Arthur panted, as he rushed over to (Y/n)'s brother.

"Congratulations daddy, I think you'll find that there are two people that really want to see you in there." Gary said with a smile, as he opened the door to one of the rooms, pushing a shell shocked Arthur inside.

"(Y/n), I'm so sorry, taxi and gridlock, and I was running, and.........." Arthur tried to frantically explain as he looked at the woman he loved, and the tiny little bundle wrapped in a blue blanket in her arms.

"It's ok honey, just come and look at what we made, he's wonderful." (Y/n) said, holding out her hand for Arthur to take as he pulled off his wig and sat down next to her on the bed.

"We.......we made this? He must take after his momma because he's the most beautiful thing that I have ever seen." Arthur whispered, as he brushed a finger gently across the little creature's soft skin.

"No, he's just like his daddy, perfect." (Y/n) told Arthur, as she kissed him on the cheek.

"Here you go daddy, I think that it's about time that you held your son." (Y/n) told him, as she slowly placed the tiny bundle into a nervous Arthur's arms.

"But what if I drop him........ I don't want to hurt him, what if I start laughing?" Arthur said fretfully, as the little man wriggled in his sleep.

"Don't be silly, you aren't going to do any of those things; and you are going to be the best father ever, so you better get used to holding him." (Y/n) said, yawning as she smiled at the two most important men in her life.

As Arthur looked down at the little boy, tears rolling down his cheeks as his son's tiny fingers gripped his thumb, he knew that no matter what else happened, whatever life threw at him from now on, as long as (Y/n) and his son were by his side, nothing else mattered.

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