Bionic Woman - Part 3

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Arthur didn't know what to do or say as the woman in front of him began to laugh.

"You're Arthur? Arthur? So, you're not a small fluffy............. oh Harry, why do you do these things to me?" (Y/n) asked the heavens as she shook her head, opening the door fully as she offered Arthur her hand.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't laughing at you, it was something that Harry said that's all. Anyway, I'm (Y/n), its very nice to meet you Arthur." (Y/n) said, as she shook Arthur's hand.

"Y-y-yes, I, er............I know who you are, Harry told me all about you." Arthur told her, as he shook her hand frantically.

"Well, I unfortunately can't say the same thing Arthur. I'm afraid that Harry seems to have conveniently not told me anything about you......... would you like to come in, I er....... I would offer you tea or coffee, but I doubt that there is any milk." (Y/n) said apologetically, as she shut the door behind Arthur and followed him into the living room.

"It doesn't matter, I don't think that Harry ever had tea or coffee scotch, he always seemed to have plenty of that........" Arthur began, feeling slightly embarrassed that he seemed to be insinuating that Harry had been anything but a teetotaller.

"Yeah, that sounds about right for Harry. I always told him that it was no good for him, but as he said, being shot at by Nazi's wasn't good for him either, and he still survived that, so Scotch was nothing." (Y/n) chuckled, as she sat in Harry's chair across from Arthur.

"I-i-if you don't mind me asking, why did you laugh when I said my name was Arthur." Arthur asked hesitantly as he looked down at his hands.

"I didn't mean to be rude, and I wasn't laughing at you, its, its just that Harry left me a note. (Y/n) explained, as she pulled the envelope from her pocket and handed Arthur the note from the inside.

"When I read the part about looking after Arthur, I thought......well I thought that Arthur was a small animal, a dog or a cat or something; and since I got here I've been searching the apartment for something fluffy that must be starving. So, when you said your name was Arthur, I knew that Harry had thrown me one last curve ball." (Y/n) told him, as Arthur scanned the letter that had been written by his friend.

(Y/n) couldn't help but stare at Arthur, as he read her grandfather's words, he seemed to be a timid thing, a man that would be scared of his own shadow. He was most certainly not like the other men she had dealt with during her life, all the men she had known had been like Harry, strong and confident, brave and straightforward, so this Arthur was very different; but there was something about him that spoke to her, something that did suggest that he needed taking care of, something that appealed to a different part of her nature.

Before the incident that had cost her, her limb, (Y/n) had never really had time for a proper relationship. For most of her service she had been deployed to some war torn country, being shot at by one enemy or another while she and the others in her team hid in or behind any cover they could find, and as fraternisation between sexes was frown on by the army while soldiers where on deployment, finding someone that she could spend her life with had proved nearly impossible; and now that she had lost her leg, the chances of finding someone seemed to (Y/n) to be even less likely.

With a heavy sigh, (Y/n) sat back in her grandfather's chair, moving her legs so that they were in a more comfortable position, noticing that Arthur averted his eyes from the paper in his hands to glance at her.

"Its ok, you can ask if you like." (Y/n) said, as she rolled up the leg of her trousers to reveal the metal blade underneath.

"I.......I'm sorry, I didn't mean to stare." Arthur said apologetically as he handed (Y/n) back the note from Harry, no sure how he should take what Harry had written.

"Its alright, I'm used to it, everyone stares, I supposed I'd be more shocked if people didn't. I just thought that if Harry had told you all about me, then he would have mentioned the most obvious difference about me." (Y/n) chuckled, as she stretched out her leg, showing off the prosthetic limb to its full extent.

"He er.......... he did. I was here when he got the call that you had been almost killed. I think it's the only time I ever saw Harry cry." Arthur said softly, moving closer to (Y/n) and taking her hand in his as he noticed that the mention of Harry crying had caused (Y/n) to do just the same.

"I'm so sorry (Y/n), I shouldn't have said that. I didn't mean to upset you." Arthur told her, reaching out his hand and brushing the tears from her cheeks without thinking.

"Its alright Arthur, I like to hear about Harry. Its just....... its just that with everything, and now losing Harry as well, my world seems to be crumbling down around my ears. You see I lost my father when I was young and Harry was the one that took his place; for most little girls their first love is their dad, for me it was Harry. I would spend hours with him, listening to all the stories about the war, about all his friends and comrades, about how he drank some Russian soldiers under the table, about how he and the others learnt to play cricket from some English boys; Harry opened my life up to a world of possibilities and he was the reason I joined the army. Now I don't have the army, I don't have Harry, and I don't even have my damn leg." (Y/n) cried, placing her head onto a shocked Arthur chest, and holding onto him as if her life depended on staying close to him.

Arthur wasn't sure what to say to comfort the woman that was sobbing into his shirt, he wasn't sure what to do for the best for the woman that he now held in his arms. He had only dreamt of (Y/n) before now, yet he knew her every feature from all the pictures Harry had shown her, he remembered every story about all the places she had been in the world, and all the things she had done, and as he felt her body shake against his, what seemed to be the only thing that he could and wanted to say, slipped past his lips before he had chance to think.

"You still have me. You'll always have me, (Y/n)."

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