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Taylor had noticed the beautiful girl whose eyes she couldn't keep off of, watching Martha walk away. She had this look in her eye as if no one else in the room mattered to her. This infuriated Taylor. She longed for the day that someone looked at her the way this girl looked at Martha. Taylor made her way over to the young girl and forced a wide smile onto her face.

"Hi. I'm Taylor. What's your name?"

Taylor's voice broke Karlie out of her trance. She quickly turned her head toward Taylor and said, "I'm Karlie Kloss."

"Well Karlie Kloss, I see you met one of my best friends, Martha Hunt."

"Oh yeah, she is stunning. I can't believe she was here tonight. I mean, what are the chances that the only show I was able to attend, would have Martha Hunt as a surprise guest. This has truly been the best night ever."

Taylor loved how the young girls eyes lit up when talking about someone she truly liked and admired but she couldn't help but wish, Karlie had the same attraction for her as she did Martha.

"Did you enjoy the show? Or was Martha the only one who caught your eye," Taylor asked with a hint of sarcasm in her voice.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry Taylor. Yes, you were amazing. Your show blew my mind. I've never been to a concert filled with so much energy. I've seen all of your other tours and this was the BEST one yet".

Taylor stood there with her arms crossed and a small smirk on her face. "So, you ARE a fan? I was starting to think that maybe someone forced you here against your will and dragged you into Loft 89." Taylor had noticed that she was taking a considerably longer time with Karlie, than she did with any of the other fans.

"It was nice meeting you Karlie Kloss." Just like that, Taylor walked over to the next group of young girls.

Karlie smiled as Taylor walked away but quickly realized they never took a picture together. Well this sucks, Karlie said to herself. She started to walk over to the exit when all of a sudden she felt a hand on her shoulder. When she turned around, she saw her dream girl before her eyes. "Martha?"

"Hey, I saw you got to meet Taylor. Isn't she awesome?" Martha watched as Karlie lowered her head and a sad expression came over her face. "Hey Karlie, what's wrong?"

Karlie felt awkward even mentioning it to Martha, but she decided to say something anyway. "I think I did something wrong. Taylor didn't take a picture with me. Taylor always takes pictures with fans in Loft 89, but for some reason, she didn't want to with me."

"Awww, don't be sad. I'm sure it was an honest mistake." Martha began rubbing Karlie's arm as she moved closer to her. In the distance, Taylor noticed Karlie and Martha's interaction AGAIN and was getting PISSED. "C'mon Karlie, come with me and we'll wait for Taylor over here. I'm not letting you leave without a picture."

Karlie and Martha sat on this incredibly large couch that had 5 oversized, super soft pillows. Martha pulled out her phone to check a few texts she received. Karlie just stared at her, taking in all of her beauty.

"I am so rude. I'm so sorry. It's a bad habit of mine to constantly have my phone in my hands,"Martha said as she slid her phone in her handbag. "So, tell me about yourself Karlie."

"There's not much to tell. I'm originally from St. Louis but I currently live in NYC. I have 3 sisters, whom I'm very close with, I do some modeling but nothing like Victoria Secret and I currently go to school at NYU".

"Well that's pretty impressive. What are you studying?"

"Co-...before Karlie could answer, Martha cut her off and said, "You should be a model Karlie Kloss. You are absolutely gorgeous and you're so sweet."

Karlie could feel herself blushing and looked down at her fingers that were intertwined on her lap. Just then, Karlie noticed a long pair of legs standing in front of her. Karlie slowly looked up and met these ocean blue eyes that were piercing her skin.

"Hey Tay," Martha says, as Taylor is just standing there with one hand on her hip and leaning to the side with a smirk on her face. "Karlie and I were waiting for you to be done with your meet and greet. You forgot to take a picture with her."

"I forgot? Maybe it was intentional."

"TAYLOR!! " Martha shouted. "That was so rude".

Karlie stood up and looked at Martha who was still sitting on the couch, "It was nice meeting you Martha. But I have to get going now. And Taylor... FUCK YOU!!"

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