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Karlie returned to her room with Taylor once Michael fell back to sleep. The girls didn't have much to say, as they each reflected on what Michael had said. Soon Dr. Mabry entered the room to check Karlie's incision. Seeing that there was no more blood and that it appeared to be healing nicely, she told the girls that she would go and get the discharge papers started but it would probably be another two hours or so before a transporter would be up with a wheelchair to get them. Taylor called Jim with the details, so he would be ready to come once she calls him back. Karlie laid still on the bed as Taylor began to pack up all of her stuff and took out a fresh outfit for her to wear home.

"So, do you think he really saw God?" Karlie asked.

"I don't see why not." Taylor replied. "I've heard many stories where people have had out of body experiences and have believed to see the path to heaven. I don't doubt that what he saw was the real thing."

"Do you think he's healed?" Karlie asked. "I mean, I was raised Catholic and believe that God can heal all things. I just wonder if, He healed Michael."

"Only time will tell." Taylor replied. "Michael is a really sick little boy. He said himself that he's been preparing to die for the last two years. If God healed him, then he truly received a miracle. I hope He did heal Michael. That young man taught more people in the last week about what's important in life, than most of us have learned in our entire life. Imagine if he is given the opportunity to share his love with the world. Maybe he really is a healer of man."

Two hours later, a transporter arrived to take Karlie to the exit where the SUV was waiting. They arrived home a short time later with Karlie doing her typical thing of landing on the couch. Both cats curled up next to her, as she stroked their fur and gave them a bunch of kisses.

"Babe, do you want to take a shower and get changed into your pajamas?" Taylor asked.

"Yeah, that sounds good." Karlie said as she began to follow Taylor up the stairs.

The model had to stop several times, since she hadn't climbed stairs in several days and the action of doing so was causing her discomfort. Taylor noticed her straining and came back down to help her.

They made their way to the bathroom as Taylor helped the model get undressed and into the shower. When she was finished bathing her wife, Taylor got Karlie into bed and made her way downstairs to prepare dinner. As she was standing by the counter, she felt two long arms wrap around her waist.

"You should be resting." Taylor said without turning around.

"But I missed you. Plus, I missed this...looking over your shoulder while you prepare dinner."

Taylor turned around and wrapped her arms around Karlie's neck and said, "I missed this too."

The two shared a kiss as Karlie began to pull away, giving Taylor 'the look.'

"Oh no, you still have five weeks to go Karlie."

"Come on Tay. We can be careful. I feel fine."

"Karlie, no. The doctor said no sex for six weeks. We already fooled around the other night in the shower."

"Ughhhhhh, I'm going to bed. I'm not hungry."

Karlie started to pout and headed back upstairs while Taylor silently laughed while shaking her head.

"DON'T FALL ASLEEP. YOU'RE EATING DINNER." Taylor yelled as Karlie was still making her way up the stairs, rolling her eyes.

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