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After reading her magazines, Karlie made her way down to Michael's room, where she enjoyed several hands of Uno.

"So, where's your mom? I haven't seen her today."

"My dad left. I think me being sick was the reason."

"Michael, I'm sorry to hear that. Are you ok?"

"I mean, it sucks but I'm fine. I was never really close to him. I don't think he really liked me. I was never into the same kind of guy things like fishing and football, that he liked. I liked watching the pageants on tv and reading fashion magazines. Not exactly manly stuff. I think he was always mad at the fact that my mom never had any more kids. After I got sick, she turned all her attention on me and having another child wasn't even an option for her."

"Karlie, can I ask you something?"

"Ask me whatever you like."

"When did you know you were gay?"

Not exactly the question she was expecting, but she'd answer it nonetheless.

"I think I always knew but it really became more evident when I was in high school. I found myself being attracted more to girls than boys but I was too afraid to act on it."

"Did your parents freak out?"

"My dad had already passed away by that time and my mom didn't 'freak out' exactly. I think she was more shocked than anything else. I mean, she cried initially, but then she just accepted it and everything has been fine ever since.

"Any particular reason you're asking? Uno, by the way."

"No reason. I was just asking. Why Taylor? I mean, you're gorgeous and can have any girl you'd like. What made Taylor stand out? Because she's rich?"

"HAHAHAHA, no silly. Don't make me laugh my stomach will hurt. Honestly, I didn't even think about the money. I was attracted more to the way she carried herself and how generous and sweet she was. I loved watching her interact with her fans and make their dreams come true just by taking time out of her day to say hello to them or take a picture with them. It was just so humbling to see someone who has it all and yet, still tried to maintain just a regular life. I mean as 'regular ' as a life can be for an international superstar."

"What's it like to be in love?" Michael asked.

"It's magical. It's like, you smile for no reason and you get this nervous feeling in your stomach when that special person walks in the room. It's nice to fine someone who appreciates all the little things about you that someone else took for granted."

"That sounds really nice Karlie."

"One day you're going to experience it Michael and when you do, I hope I'm one of the first people who you tell it all about to."

"I hope so too Karlie."

It had seemed like only a few minutes but it was actually two hours that had passed while the two of them just sat and talked about everything and nothing.

"So, when do you get to leave Karlie?"

"The day after tomorrow."

"Oh." Michael looked down at his hands that were placed on his lap not wanting Karlie to see the tears forming in his eyes.

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