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Karlie and Taylor entered the singers apartment. The blue eyed girl hadn't said much after leaving the club. The model went up the stairs to take a shower. She thought Taylor was behind her but once she got upstairs, she realized she wasn't.

"TAYLOR," the model yelled.




"WTF is going on? She was all over me at the club. I thought for sure, we'd end up doing it again when we came home."

Karlie took her shower as Taylor sat at the kitchen table. The singer rested her head against her hand, as she began to cry.

"Why do I keep doing this to her?"

Taylor couldn't comprehend what her problem was. She really did love Karlie, but she was afraid to tell her what happened. She knew that Karlie would never forgive her a second time around. This was supposed to be the beginning to a fresh start and it was already ruined by a moment of weakness.

Taylor made her way upstairs, only to find Karlie already in bed, leaning against the headboard  and scrolling through social media. The singer continued on to the bathroom, where she stepped into the shower but was overcome by emotion. She sat on the floor, hugging her knees to her chest as she rocked back and forth crying.

Taylor had been in the shower for 45 minutes before she heard Karlie's voice at the door asking if she was ok. The singer cleared her voice the best she could, to try and sound like she wasn't crying. She called out to Karlie, letting her know she would be out in a few minutes. Karlie heard the water turn off, so she made her way back to bed. When Taylor got under the covers, she turned her back to Karlie and said goodnight.

"That's it? No kiss?" Karlie was shocked with how her girlfriend was acting. They've been all over each other, every day they've been together since they made up. Now all of a sudden, everything has changed.

Taylor turned to Karlie and gave her a kiss. She apologized and explained that she was just really tired. She then turned back to face the wall.

Karlie turned on her side and draped her arm over Taylor's waist, pulling her toward her.

She leaned to her ear and whispered, "I don't know what's wrong, but please know you can talk to me about anything. I'll always be here Taylor. I hope you know that." She then placed a kiss on her girlfriends shoulder.

"Do you really believe that? Do you really believe that you'll always be here? What if I did something that made you hate me forever?"

Karlie turned the singer over, so that they were facing each other. "I love you more than anything in this world. I will always be here. I'm never leaving you. You have my heart forever."

Taylor began to cry, as her girlfriend wiped her tears away. "Talk to me Tay, what happened."

"I don't deserve you Karlie. I'm so fucked in the head. I just don't deserve you. You deserve someone so much better. Someone who will never hurt you."

Karlie pulled Taylor in to her chest, hugging her tight. "I do deserve you. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I love you so much that my heart hurts." She kissed the singers forehead and traced a figure eight with her finger on Taylor's back.
"I don't know what's wrong, but when you're ready, I'll drop everything to listen. I love you."

"I love you too Karlie."

The two wrapped themselves in each other's arms, as they fell asleep.

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