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The whole crew boarded the plane and prepared for the two and a half hour flight.

Karlie, Behati and Lily sat on one of the couches together as the the two girls glanced over Karlie's shoulder while browsing a baby magazine.

"You totally need that." Behati said, pointing to a stroller with off-road tires, designed for parents who run. "You KNOW Karlie's gonna be jogging everywhere with the baby. This kid is gonna be in the olympics."

The three of them laughed as Abigail made her way over.

"What's going on over here?"

"We're just looking through a baby magazine." Lily replied.

"Mind if I stay?"

"Not at all." Karlie said as the girls scooted down to make some room. "How's my wife, by the way?"

"She's, well, you know...Taylor. She's paranoid you hate her and is trying to figure how out how she's going to fix things. Can I ask you something?"

"Yeah, sure."

"Do you ever choose to overlook things, just because she's pregnant? Like, do you worry that if you guys were to break up, that she'd take the baby away from you?"

Karlie was really shocked at Abiagil's question but she answered it anyway.

"It's not that I overlook things, I just don't want to fight with her, so I choose to just apologize and move on. You have to understand that I used to fight back with her and I'm just tired of it. I love her. So, we're not perfect. Find me a relationship that is. I choose to stay because I don't want to learn to live without her. Maybe some people would view me as being stupid or naive but I don't see it that way. I see it as putting in work. Nothing comes easy with anything in life. If you want something bad enough, then you work for it. Well, I want a happy marriage and I'm willing to work for it. I don't really think about us breaking up. I mean, I did at one point but that's not what I want. I'm determined to make our marriage work, no matter what I have to do. As for her taking the baby, should we break up...I'd like to see her try. And I don't mean that in a cocky way. Taylor is powerful, we all know this. She has a lot of connections and if she wants to use her power to bury you, then she will. This is the main reason why most people don't go up against her. But when it comes to my kid, I don't give a fuck who you are. I wouldn't hesitate facing her head on. I'm not exactly powerless myself. It might turn really ugly, but she sure as hell wouldn't have 100% custody. Not for nothing Abby, but you're really blowing my mind with your comments and questions. Like, I didn't really expect this from you."

"I'm sorry. I'm so used to watching Taylor get her way, since finding stardom, that I was just curious as to how you'd react if things didn't go as planned. Please don't think I'm wishing anything bad to happen."

"Abigail, relax. I wasn't thinking that at all. Most people just kiss her ass all the time, including some of her friends. So, it's refreshing to see someone who is just genuinely concerned because they know she's not as perfect as the rest of the world thinks she is."

"Hey Kar, whatever happened to Selena?" Lily whispered.

"I guess Andrea, suggested she leave in a really nice southern way." Karlie replied as they all started to laugh. "Hey, you guys want to play poker? The tables back here slide together and we can all gather around."

"Hell yeah. That'll be fun." Behati went to the front of the plane to invite everyone to play.

All the girls took a seat around the table, except for Jamie and Taylor who were still talking in the front.

"Hey, is this strip poker?" Emma asked.

"You're such a dirty bird." Ella said.

The girls all chuckled, since Ella is a woman of few words but when she does say something, her comments are hilarious.

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