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"Kar, will you please call me back. You've been gone for over six hours. I'm getting worried. Please call me. I love you. Bye."

"Where do you think she is?" Selena asked.

"I don't know. I can't believe she got THAT pissed. I mean. I was just really excited and I thought the whole donor selection was really interesting. Uhhhh, I don't know what to do."

The girls sat in the living room as the front door opened. Karlie walked in and straight passed them as she made her way into the kitchen to grab a bottle of water. As she walked back in the living room, she looked over at Selena and said, "Oh, you're still here? Did you help Taylor pick out our next house? Or any other life changing things I don't seem to need to be a part of?"

"Karlie, that's enough." Taylor said. "If you're gonna take your attitude out on anyone, then take it out on me. Selena had nothing to do with it. I invited her over earlier and I was the one that asked her to stay because I was worried about you. That's what a best friend does. But you wouldn't know that because YOU'RE best friend tries to convince you to leave your wife."

With that, Karlie stormed up the stairs. The next sound heard was that of the door being slammed so hard, the windows shook.

"I think that's my cue to leave." Selena said. "I'll talk to you tomorrow. Tay, don't start anything. Just go to sleep. I'm sure she'll get over it tomorrow."

Selena left as Taylor made her way upstairs. When she walked in the bedroom, she saw that Karlie wasn't there. She went over to the guest room and knocked on the door.

"Kar. Can I come on?"

"Leave me alone Taylor."

"Kar, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that. It was a real jerk thing to say."

Karlie got up and opened the door really fast.

"You're right, that was a jerk thing to say. I'm not discussing this with you tonight. I'm sleeping in here and I'm going to bed now. And regardless of how fucking annoyed I am right now, I still love you and I'll see you in the morning."

"Ok." Taylor said. "I love you too."

The singer turned around and went back to their bedroom as the door closed behind her.

Taylor sat on the bed with her knees pulled up to her chin, as she looked over to Karlie's side. She couldn't sleep and was too tired to actually cry. She just sat there, wallowing in her own misery.
Eventually, she couldn't fight her body any longer, as sleep took over.

The next day, Karlie sat at the kitchen table with her laptop, browsing the donors. She wrote down the numbers associated to the people she was most interested in, so that she could show Taylor later. After three hours, she had a list of twenty five people. Since Taylor was still asleep, she decided to write her a note.

Tay, I went on a run. I browsed through some donors and these people seemed pretty good candidates. I'll see you later. I love you. Karlie

A short time after Karlie left, Taylor woke up. She first went to the guest room, but saw the bed already made. She was hoping to see Karlie in the kitchen, but she wasn't there. Taylor noticed a note by the laptop and smiled when she read it.
She IS excited.

Taylor checked out the people Karlie found interesting and liked at least eighteen of them. She continued to browse more donors and before she knew it, three hours had passed.
Where is she?

The front door opened as Karlie came walking in with some girl following behind her.

"Tay, this is Gwen. Gwen, this is Taylor."

You Belong To Me (Kaylor)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin