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Karlie opened her eyes and looked over and saw Taylor. Her eyes began to fill with tears as she placed her hand on top of her wife's.

"Karlie you are my best friend and my one true love. I give you my heart, my promise, that I will walk with you hand in hand to wherever our journey takes us. I promise to be your lover, companion and friend. I will love you, hold you and honor you. I promise to love and care for you and will always be kind, patient and forgiving. I am truly blessed to be a part of your life and today it becomes our life. There is still a part of me today that can't believe that I'm the one that gets to marry you. I love you so much."

"Eleven days ago, those were the vows that I said to you. I was fully aware that you had cancer. I was fully aware that there was a chance that you would never have children. I was fully aware that you could have died during surgery or succumbed to this disease later on in life. But none of that mattered to me because I love you and I want to spend my life with you. You are the love of my life and I don't want to lose you. Not now or ever."

Karlie turned towards Taylor as she cupped the side of her face, brushing her cheek with her thumb as she leaned in and kissed her lips. The kiss was soft and slow and filled with raw emotion. When Karlie pulled away she looked into Taylor's eyes as tears fell from her own.

"I'm so sorry Taylor. Please forgive me." Karlie said as her wife wiped away her tears.

Taylor wrapped her arms around Karlie's neck as she whispered in her ear, "I forgive you baby. Please don't push me away."

Karlie continued to cry on her shoulder. The two hugged each other as tight as they could.

"I just didn't want to burden you Taylor. I realized everything you did for me and I couldn't even do the most basic of things for myself. I reached a point of just feeling helpless and frustrated and I took it out on you. I allowed Cara to say these mean things about you, things you didn't deserve. You're the only one who is ever there for me, no matter what and I took advantage of you."

"When you left, I initially didn't see how I treated you or how I allowed someone else to treat you. I'm so sorry. I promised to be your partner in all things and to be supportive through all things and to make the love of my family be my priority. Yet I didn't do any of that. I'm sorry for pushing you away. I love you so much Taylor. Please forgive me. I can't do this without you."

Taylor simply nodded her head as she held Karlie close to her.

Moments later, a nurse came out, calling Karlie into the office.

"Ladies go ahead and have a seat, Dr. Mabry and Dr. Lucas will be in shortly to see you." The nurse said as she left the room.

The girls sat in the two chairs opposite the desk, hand in hand. Taylor traced the infinity sign on the back of Karlie's hand, using her thumb as the model began to smile, remembering how she always did that to Taylor to calm her down.

The two doctors walked in the room, carrying the
x-ray slides, as Dr. Lucas placed them on the light board.

"How are you feeling Karlie?" Dr. Mabry asked.

"Well, I had a bit of an accident." Karlie said as Taylor whipped her head in her direction. "I was attempting to shower by myself and slipped and fell. My incision began to bleed, but it stopped after several minutes. I'm just a little sore from the fall."

"Come over here and lay on the bed, so we can check it." The doctor said.

Karlie laid down, as Dr. Mabry began to pull her pants down. She slowly removed the bandage, to see a very red incision. The doctor examined it closely and told her that she would need a couple of stitches and she would be given another antibiotic to take, for infection purposes, but there didn't appear to be any major damage. Dr. Mabry covered the wound up back up as Dr. Lucas was ready to discuss the results.

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