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Paige arrived around 10:30 at Karlie's apartment.

"Hi Kar, sorry I'm late. It got a little hectic right before closing."

"Don't worry about it. I was just going through my Twitter account anyway, nothing too exciting. Can I get you something to drink? I have water, Gatorade, red and white wine, beer, apple juice andddd, I think that's it."

"I'll have whatever you're having."

"Ok, two glasses of wine coming up."

Karlie returned with wine in hand as the two sat on the couch.

"So, where did we leave off?" Karlie asked.

"Umm, I think you were telling me how pretty I was." Paige said as her cheeks turned flaming red.

"Ahhh, indeed I was. I was being serious, you know? I really think you have what it takes to be a model. You should really consider it."

"Well, I don't know, maybe."

"Paige, the other night you mentioned that you recently got out of a crappy two year relationship. Do you mind me asking what happened?"

"Well, you're the first person I'm about to tell this story to. So, if I breakdown at any point, that's why. I was going out with this girl Jessica that I met in high school. We became friends our sophomore year and everything was cool. At the time, I wasn't 'out' yet but she was. I admired her for that. I think that's what drew me to her, the fact that she was just living her life as free as can be and I wasn't."

"I came from a pretty religious family and being gay wasn't exactly welcomed. The more time Jessica and I spent together, the more I started to have feelings for her but I was too afraid to act on them. I had never been with a girl before. We graduated high school and went off to the same community college in Maine. We got an apartment together and that's when things got a little more serious. We would kiss here and there, but we still weren't exclusive. When I turned 21, we had gone out and got really drunk. When we got home, that's when all the feelings came pouring out of both of us. We both told one another that we wanted to be with each other as girlfriends and that was the first time I had ever had sex."

"Everything was great until she left school. Her parents had gotten divorced and couldn't continue paying for school. So, she dropped out. When she was there, everything was fine because we did everything together. But when I continued going to study groups, it became a whole other issue. It wasn't new by any means because she used to attend the same groups. But the late nights started to get to her. She accused me of cheating even though that was the furthest thing from my mind. The jealousy got so bad and she became so possessive. Telling me when I could and couldn't go out. I just became afraid of her. I was afraid to leave, so I didn't. This went on for the last six months of our relationship. The day I finally left was the day she hit me. I had come home late from work and didn't call her. She accused me of sleeping with a co-worker of mine who she always thought looked at me like she wanted me. We got into a huge fight and she slapped me. I tried to hit her back, but she was too strong. Before I knew it I was being hit with closed fists. She ended up breaking my nose and fractured my cheekbone. She had just left me on the floor, knocked out. She left in such a hurry that the door didn't fully close. My neighbor saw it open when he got home and he was the one who found me. I confessed to my parents of our relationship. They weren't too happy that I was gay, but they were happy I wasn't dead. I never saw her again after that night. I decided to make a move and come to NY. And here I am."

"Wow. I'm so sorry you went through that. Clearly you're a strong girl. I give you a lot of credit. Most people don't have the courage to leave but you did. I envy you."

"So, what about you?" Paige asked as she sipped her wine.

"What do you mean?"

"Karlie.... I'm talking about you and Taylor. What happened?"

"Well, it's just a really long story filled with jealousy, infidelity and a constant broken heart....Mine. I'm sorry Paige, it's just really too soon for me to relive it. I hope you understand."

"Karlie, don't worry about it. I get it. It's not easy. Hey, would you like to watch a movie?"

"Sure. I have some DVD's or there's Netflix."

Paige thought it over briefly before deciding on Netflix. Karlie gave her the remote and watched as she scrolled through different movies and tv shows.

"Hey, want to watch Orange is the New Back?" Paige asked almost embarrassed at the suggestion.

"Sure, I'll watch anything. Are you cold? I can grab a blanket."

"If you don't mind, I'd love a blanket."

Karlie went to the hall closet as Paige watched her closely. Everything about her is just perfect.

When Karlie returned the two sat a little closer to one another as Karlie draped the blanket over their bodies. Paige unpaused the episode, as they both sat back to enjoy. Three hours in and they were still wide awake. There was pretty explicit sex scene on the screen that started to turn them both on.

Paige slid her hand over to Karlie's leg, barely touching it. The model didn't flinch. As the characters on screen heated things up, so did Paige. This time she placed her hand on Karlie's thigh, giving it a gentle squeeze. She noticed Karlie tilt her head back a little and let out a very gentle sigh. But she never told her to stop. Paige began to massage Karlie's thigh, sliding her pointer finger between Karlie's legs, dragging it up and down over her pants. The model kept her eyes on the TV screen but silently had said 'oh my God' to Paige's touch.

Paige could tell it had been a while since the model had been touched. She slowly dragged her hand to the waistline of Karlie's pants and began to slide her hand down, feeling the warmth from Karlie's core. She slid her hand further down until her pointer finger was sliding up and down Karlie's slit.

Suddenly, Karlie grabbed the girls hand and pulled it out of her pants. "I'm sorry Paige but I can't do this."

"Did I do something wrong?"

"No, but I was about to." Karlie looked Paige in the eyes and said. "I really want to but I can't. I'm sorry."

"It's ok Karlie. Really."

Paige put a little more distance between them as they continued to watch the show. A short time later, they both fell asleep.

The next morning, Paige left before Karlie woke up. Her hair was slightly disheveled as she left the apartment. As she closed the door behind her, she began to adjust her shirt when suddenly she heard the sound of clicks. When she turned around, she saw paparazzi taking her picture, screaming out questions asking her name and if she was the reason for the recent breakup. She didn't know what to do and felt trapped. She didn't have a car and had taken a cab there the night before. Karlie had heard the commotion through the window and glanced out, noticing that Paige was surrounded. Karlie ran down the stairs and pulled open the door, pulling Paige back in but not before every photographer out there got a great shot of a freshly woken up Karlie, pulling a hot young girl into her apartment. She knew by morning, she'd be on the cover of every newspaper.

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