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Two weeks have passed and Karlie is back in NY. Taylor will be in St. Louis performing and the plan was for Karlie to join her both nights, but things have changed and right now, they don't know if they'll ever see each other again.

Karlie and Cara decided to go out for dinner and drinks before Cara had to go to the airport, since she'd be going home for a few days. They made their way to a basic bar and grill, which was filled with really hot college kids.

"So, why this place? Karlie asked.

"I just thought it would be nice to go somewhere just basic and less fufu like where we usually eat. Don't you get tired of $200 meals. I wanted some ribs fries."

Karlie laughed, realizing for the first time that she actually does have money now. She no longer has to wait tables and be an ass kisser to customers, just so she could get decent tips. It was nice, to just be out and around regular people. Although the one not so regular thing was the fact that the paparazzi is now circling her like a vulture, the same way they do to Taylor. Now that the whole world has seen the video, Karlie is inundated with prying questions.

"I told her I wish we never happened."

"Huh," Cara said being completely mesmerized by the half naked girls serving the tables.

"Taylor. I told her that I wish we never happened."

"Did you mean it, Kar?"

"No. I was angry and said it because I knew it would hurt her. I'm so messed up in the head Cara. I just can't stop thinking about her. This just isn't normal. I'm practically living a mentally abusive relationship and can't seem to walk away."

"Kar, you've been through a lot with Taylor and I'm not referring to just the bad stuff. I mean, good times too. As your friend, I just don't want to see you get hurt. You're not crazy for how you feel. You can't help the fact that you love her. You just tend to give in too quickly and chase her down. This time, let her chase you."

The girls just sat there talking about their love lives, as Cara ordered another round of drinks.

"So, what's going on with you and Behati?"

"Ughhh, Kar, I don't know. I talked to her like you said and I froze. I couldn't get the words out to tell her that I loved her. I kinda talked in circles until she just said that she had to go. Now she's visiting friends in Kansas. Who the hell has friends in Kansas anyway?"

Karlie laughed as she looked at her watch.

"Umm, Car? What time is your flight?"

"It's at 11pm, why? OH SHIT it's 10pm, I still have to pack. OMG, I'm so sorry Kar, I have to go."

"No worries. I'm gonna stay and finish my drink. I'll pick up the bill. Have fun and call me when you get back."

Cara gave her friend a quick kiss on the cheek before running out the door.

Karlie pulled her phone out and began to check her Twitter and Instagram while sipping her drink.

"Can I get you anything?"

Karlie looked up to find this gorgeous girl, in her early twenties with brown wavy hair that was pulled up into a ponytail but looked like it would fall slightly below her shoulders. She had hazel/green eyes with not too much makeup. She was about 5'9 with an athletic build.

"I'm sorry, what?" Karlie asked as she began to feel her cheeks turn slightly red.

"My name is Paige. I'll be your server for the rest of the night. Tina fell ill, so I'll be covering her tables. Was there anything I could get you?"

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