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Paige stood in front of Karlie with a wide smile as the model sat there looking back at her, afraid to even dare look at Taylor right now.

"So, how have you been Karlie?"

"I've been good. How about you?"

"Good. As you can see I'm at a different restaurant now. It's cool here. Better tips. Oh, I want to thank you for encouraging me to attempt modeling. I submitted some pictures to one of the agency's around here and I got called back to do some shots for a couple of magazines. It's nothing great, but it's something. If it wasn't for talking to you that night, I don't think I would of had the courage to actually do it. Maybe one day I'll walk by your side in a VS show. Well, I better get going. I noticed you sitting over here and so I asked to bring your drinks. I have to get back to my tables now. It was really nice seeing you. I'm glad everything worked out. Bye."

"Bye." Karlie said as she was now stirring her lemonade with her straw avoiding all eye contact with Taylor.

"So, are you going to tell me who that was or are you planning on just pretending none of that just happened?" Taylor said as she sat back with her arms crossed.

"Taylor, she's..."

Before Karlie could respond, Taylor's eyes grew wide as her mouth opened in a shocked fashion.

"She's the girl from the paper. The one who was photographed leaving your apartment when we were broken up. She's THE Paige."

"Tay, relax. It was a long time ago. She's not THE anything. Yes, that's Paige..the girl I met one night when I went out to eat. The same girl that came to my apartment and fell asleep, only to leave before I woke up and got photographed by paparazzi. I pulled her back into my apartment because I didn't want her to get eaten alive by the vultures with cameras. That's it. The end."

"So, what happened with her? Why did you guys stop seeing each other?"

"Taylor, why are you doing this? I wasn't 'seeing' her. It was one night of talking and watching tv."

"So, what did you guys watch?"

"This cannot be fucking happening right now?" Karlie said as she ran her fingers through her hair.
"It doesn't matter what we were watching. Just drop it. We're married. It doesn't matter. You act like you caught me calling her or something. We just happened to come to this restaurant. I didn't know she worked here. Why can't you just let it go?"

"Why are you so defensive Karlie? I just asked what you watched. What's the big deal. You said yourself that nothing happened."

Karlie could feel her blood pressure rise at this interrogation. She knew her wife wouldn't give up.

"I'm not answering any more questions. You're being ridiculous. I'm married to YOU because I love YOU. Why is that not good enough to end this conversation?"

"Did you lie to me when I asked you if you slept with her? Did you sleep with her?"

"No Taylor. I didn't sleep with her and I didn't kiss her."

"So if I asked her if anything happened, what would she say?"

"Oh my God you're being crazy right now."

"Oh now I'm CRAZY?" Taylor said.

"I think this whole fucking conversation is CRAZY, if you really want to know. We had such an amazing few days in St. Louis and I can't believe this is happening. I am so over your jealousy. You have NOTHING to worry about. What more do you want from me?"

"Ok." Taylor replied.

"Ok? Ok what?"

"I'll drop it. If you don't want to talk about it, then fine. I'll let it go."

"THERE'S NOTHING TO TALK ABOUT BECAUSE NOTHING HAPPENED." Karlie quietly yelled as a couple of tables nearby heard her and looked over.
Maybe if you didn't allow Diana in your room, which resulted in a video showing up online embarrassing the shit out of me, and causing our breakup, there would have never been a Paige.- Karlie thought to herself.

Their food finally arrived, as the two sat in uncomfortable silence. Neither girl had much of an appetite at this point.

"Are you ready to go?" Karlie asked her wife who was just sitting there, twisting her wedding ring.


They got up and left as Paige watched the two leave.

When they got home, they got changed and both laid in bed together. Karlie leaned over and kissed Taylor's cheek as she said, "Taylor, I can't take the silence. Please just talk to me. I don't want to go through this with you. I love you baby and nothing happened between Paige and I, please just talk to me."

"Karlie, I told you I would drop it and I meant it. I'm not going to bring it up again." Taylor smiled as these words came out of her life, but Karlie wasn't thoroughly convinced. When she tried to hug her wife, Taylor hugged her back but something was different.

In the morning, Karlie was the first to wake up. She went upstairs to the rooftop terrace and turned on the space heater. She wrapped herself in a blanket and sat on the couch. She hated the way she felt. Something was so off with her and Taylor, that she couldn't stand it.

The cold became too much as the model chose to go back inside. Taylor was on the kitchen grabbing a drink when Karlie walked in.

"Good morning babe." Karlie said as she hugged her wife from behind.

"Morning." Taylor replied.

"Kar, can you give me my injection please?"

"Of course babe, come on I'll do it now."

They both went upstairs as Karlie administered the shot.

"Only two more to go." Karlie said.

"I know, I'm excited." Taylor said as she began to walk away.

Karlie had been sitting on the edge of the counter and grabbed Taylor before she was out of arms reach. She wrapped her arms around her wife as the singer just looked at her.

"Taylor what am I supposed to do? What do you want from me?  Please baby. I don't want to fight with you."

"Kar, who's fighting? I haven't said anything."

"That's my point Taylor, you're hardly talking to me. I just don't get it. I love you so much. Why can't you just see that?"

"Kar, I'm going back to LA today."

"What? Why? What about your last two injection's on Thursday and Sunday? I thought you wanted me to be there to give them to you?"

"It's fine if you're not there. I'll just ask Selena to do it. It's not a big deal."

"NOT A BIG DEAL?" Karlie said as she stepped away from Taylor and began to pace back and forth. "You made it such a big deal when I missed your first injection. You ended up fighting with me all week. And now it's not a big deal? No. You're not going. You're staying here."

"Karlie, don't tell me what I will and will not be doing. I'm going back to LA and you're not stopping me." Taylor walked away and went to pack.

"Are you serious right now? This is still about Paige, isn't it? You're not dropping anything are you? You want the details? Then fine. She came over to my place and we had a glass of wine. We watched a few episodes of Orange is the New Black, while we sat on the couch together, sharing a blanket. She moved her hand under the blanket and began to touch my leg, and slowly slid her hand down my pants. As much as I wanted to have sex with her, I didn't because you were all that I could think about and I knew if something happened, I would never be able to forgive myself. We fell asleep and that's when she woke up and left. She ended up leaving me a note, telling me that she was leaving her job because she was falling for me and didn't want to be my rebound. There, are you fucking happy now? Does that somehow add some benefit to your life?"

"Thank you for telling me." Taylor replied as she continued to walk away to her closet.

Karlie knew there was no sense in having this conversation. Her insecure wife with the overly aggressive mood swings was back and she wasn't going to be winning an argument anytime soon.

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