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After Karlie ate her soup, the model went to bed for the night. Taylor laid with her, making sure she was ok, applying a cool towel to her neck and rubbing her back.

The next morning Karlie was feeling much better. The VS meeting had been bumped up to Tuesday, so she was on her way to the meeting as Taylor was meeting the girls for their final fitting.

During the meeting, she explained that she would be having surgery on Monday and that she would be out of work for eight weeks. She asked if she would still have a job, to which the executives chuckled at the thought of her thinking that she wouldn't.

One of the VS managers, Sidney, looked at the model with a surprised look on her face and said, "Karlie, of course you'll have a job. You're our top model. We're not getting rid of you at all. Concentrate on taking care of you and we'll see you when you get back."

As they finished the meeting, Karlie stood up but began to feel dizzy.

"Karlie, are you ok? You don't look too well." Sidney said.

Suddenly, Karlie fell to the floor.


An ambulance was rushed to the building and the model was quickly taken out on a stretcher. Jim had been waiting out front for the model to return to the car, as he saw someone being placed inside the ambulance. A woman ran over to the car and asked who he was waiting for, to which he replied, "Karlie Kloss." It was then that he was informed that Karlie was being rushed to the hospital.

Jim sped all the way to store where Taylor and the girls were. He rushed inside screaming Taylor's name.

"Jim, what the hel-...."

"Taylor, it's Karlie. She's just been rushed to the hospital."

The singer quickly grabbed her handbag and ran to the car as the girls just stood there in shock. Taylor was clearly panicked, trying to ask as many questions as she could; unfortunately, Jim was unable to provide her with much detail. When they arrived to the hospital, she rushed to the front desk and asked where she could find Karlie Kloss. The nurse recognized the singer and brought her to Karlie's room.

As she walked in, she saw Karlie laying there motionless. She had tubes up her nostrils providing her with oxygen and a nurse was adjusting the IV that was placed in the models arm.

Tears filled the singers eyes as she asked the nurse what happened.

"We're going to be running some tests, but it appears that she's just severely dehydrated. She passed out and when she came to, she began having a panic attack. We sedated her for the time being. Karlie provided us with her doctors name and Dr. Mabry just happens to be in the building for a surgery. She will be in shortly to see you."

As the nurse left, Taylor bent down and kissed Karlie's forehead. She sat next to her as she grabbed her hand, making circles on the back of it with her thumb. "You have to get better Karlie. I can't live without you."

The door slowly opened as Dr. Mabry walked in.

"Hello Taylor. I want to keep Karlie here today and possibly tomorrow. We are going to be running some tests to see if this episode could be related to the cancer, or if it is just due to the hormone therapy. I understand she just finished she therapy and is scheduled to have the egg extraction on Thursday. We may have to extract the eggs sooner, but I'll keep you posted."

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