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"Tay, who are you texting? You've been all up in your phone for the last thirty minutes."

"Tina was asking me if I was going to group tonight and if I wanted her to pick me up since she'll be on this side of town."

"Can't you just see her in class, geez, you're with her constantly."

"Karlie, no I'm not. We usually just see each other at group and grab something to eat once a week. The other day was an exception when class was cancelled because the therapist was sick. We opted to go do a little shopping for the dinner party she's having at her new place this weekend. I called you and invited you to meet us there and you said you were tired. By the way, are you coming to the party? I would like to go and I would like for you to meet her."

"When is it again?"

"It's tomorrow night Kar."

"Can't we just go out and do something alone?"

"Karlie, I already told her we were going."

"Jesus Taylor, then why are you asking me if I'm going if you already decided for me?"

"Kar, are you being serious right now? You're my wife. I thought you would want to come with me. I've been asking you constantly to come and meet us for dinner on the nights we go after group and you never want to come but then you get mad at me for going."

"No I don't." Karlie replied. "I just don't understand this sudden...I don't know ATTRACTION, to her."

"What? There is no attraction. She's just my friend. Why are you making it seem like I'm doing something wrong? Can I not make friends? It's not like I'm purposely doing something with just her and never invite you along." Taylor was becoming sarcastic with her words. She's been trying to make Karlie a part of everything she does and yet isn't being met half way.

"What's THAT supposed to mean? Is that a shot against Gwen?"

"Karlie, all I'm saying is that you and Gwen go running everyday together. Even before I was pregnant, you didn't exactly invite me along. At least I include you, or at least try to."

"Taylor, you know Gwen is just my running partner. There's nothing between us."

"Well, there's nothing between Tina and I either. At least Tina's not inviting herself into our home and to breakfast like your running partner last week."

"Oh my God, is that what this is about? You're jealous?" Karlie said.

"Kar, I'm sorry but you may need to look in the mirror on this one, if you're talking jealousy. Tina has done nothing that implies she wants me. She doesn't look at me with googily eyes when I talk, unlike Gwen. You have nothing to worry about with Tina. She's absolutely harmless. I just feel like Gwen has an ulterior motive."

"I'm not jealous Taylor, I just don't like her."

"That's so unfair. You don't even know her and you don't even try to get to know her. You wanted me to better myself and become more confident. I wanted that too. I've been going to therapy every day for three weeks now, as well as group therapy. I met someone who I thought was cool. I like Tina because she's just a normal girl. She's not in the music industry. She doesn't ask me about my friends or gives me the impression that she's using me for some sort of personal gain. I try to include you because I respect you and now you're flipping this around on me like I'm doing something wrong. What do you want from me?"

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