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Martha ran after Karlie as she sprinted out of the room. "Karlie, please wait...STOP....I can't keep running, I don't work out!"

Karlie came to a screeching stop and began laughing hysterically. When she turned around, she saw the gorgeous model bent over, breathing heavy and trying to calm herself. "Martha, are you ok?"

"I-i.... "as she struggled for air... "Yeah, give me a minute. I'll be fine. I just never ran like that before. Good God, you have the longest legs." After her breathing got back to normal, she grabbed Karlie's wrist and pulled her back towards Loft 89."

"Oh no. Thanks but no thanks. I am NOT going back in there." Karlie plants her feet firmly in place and crossed her arms. She refused to be humiliated by Taylor again. "She can keep her picture, I don't need one."

Martha had a sad expression on her face. "Listen, I don't know what got into her, that was so unlike Taylor. I'm sure there was a good reason. Just please come back with me?"

Karlie wouldn't budge. Not only did Taylor completely embarrass her, but she also said FUCK YOU to the one and only TAYLOR SWIFT. "Oh hell no, I'm not going back in there."

"Ok, fine, no Loft 89; however, you're still coming with me and I'm not taking no for an answer." Martha grabbed Karlie's wrist and began pulling her in another direction. "I like you Kloss. You're really sweet and tonight there's a little party that a friend of mine is having and you're gonna go with me."

Karlie was at a loss for words. Hell yeah I want to go with Martha, Karlie said to herself as she was being dragged toward the exit. "I'm not really dressed for a party Martha. I mean, I just got done dancing my ass off and I'm all sweaty and gross."

"No worries. We're going to stop at my hotel room first. We'll take a quick shower and you can borrow some of my clothes." Martha said with an overly excited tone in her voice.

An hour later, the two of them were on their way to the party. Karlie was wearing a tight black dress with stunning red heels.

"Are you sure it's ok that I'm at this party? I really don't want to impose." Karlie said nervously as she was fidgeting with her fingers.

Martha looked at Karlie and gave her a sweet smile and grabbed her hands. "Of course it's fine. If it wasn't, I wouldn't have invited you. You had a pretty crazy night, let's go have a great time and relax."

They approached the door to this amazing mansion as Martha reached for the handle, the door slowly opened.

"Taylor?" Karlie said with a shocked look on her face. Karlie looked over at Martha with a look of disappointment. Why would she bring me here? Karlie thought to herself.

"Karlie listen, if I told you we were going to Taylor's party, you wouldn't have come. Now, I don't know what happened with you two in Loft 89, but I believe YOU... Martha looks sharply at Taylor....need to apologize."

Taylor stood there motionless. She could see Karlie's sad expression and she couldn't believe how fucked up she was to her earlier. I just really want to get to know you. You're just so beautiful. Taylor was having a conversation with herself when she motioned for both Martha and Karlie to enter.

"Karlie, I want to apologize for how I behaved earlier. It wasn't right and it was completely unlike me. I would love for you to come in and enjoy the party."

Karlie looked at the beautiful singer with the sad blue eyes. She believed Taylor's apology was truly genuine. With a shy grin she apologized to Taylor as well and proceeded to go inside.

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