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Tis better to have lost and loved
Than never to have loved at all

Taylor read the caption of the picture over and over. The picture was of her and Dianna when they were together. The actress had posted it on Instagram. Ever since they met for lunch in London, Taylor had begun following Dianna on social media. She saw that this pic had just been posted less than 24 hrs ago and already had over 1000 comments.

"Is that Taylor Swift?"
"Hmmm, nice one Taylor. Little miss goodie goodie swims in the lady pond."
"Taylor and Dianna, CONFIRMED???"
"Awe, they look so happy."
"Love you girls"

The comments went on and on and were a mix of enthusiasm to disgust. Taylor couldn't break herself away from them. She was obsessed with wanting to know what the world thought of her and Dianna as a couple. She was curious if these comments would have been the same, had this been 3 yrs earlier. For the most part, they were more positive than she could have ever expected. As Taylor continued reading, she came across a really lengthy post from Dianna. Taylor's heart dropped in her chest when she read the comment above Dianna's. It read "Dianna, please just tell me why," Klossy.

"Karlie?" Taylor thought to herself as she slid her thumb across Karlie's question, as if she was sliding it over the models lips as she had done in the past. Her eyes began to fill as she was preparing herself for Dianna's response.

"Karlie, I know we never met and social media isn't exactly the best place to have this conversation but I have nothing to hide and since you asked, here it goes.

I loved her before you ever came along. What we had was the best and worst. We loved each other endlessly and yet everyone got in the way of it. No one allowed her to live her own life and therefore, I was sacrificed. The day they made me leave was the day my heart was shattered. I never felt more hurt in all of my life. There was no fight or argument between us that could have led to this heartbreak. It was just every one else around us who couldn't... wouldn't allow us to be happy. Nothing could have prepared me for that day. The day I left, I still had as much love for Taylor as I did when we began our story. Although 3 years have passed, I never stopped loving her. When we saw each other in London, it was by chance. It wasn't planned. We weren't secret lovers. I had just seen the girl who had stolen my heart years ago. I didn't know about you, at the time. However, when I found out, I didn't care. Seeing her made me realize how much I loved...LOVE...her. You were nothing more than an after thought. But ask yourself this... IF she loved you, why was she so quick to forget about you when I held her in MY arms?

"You fucking bitch," Taylor said to herself as she read the final line to Dianna's post. "I have to get Karlie back. I have to make it up to her. I have to show her how much I love her." Taylor whimpered as she rocked herself back and forth on the bed.


"IF she loved you, why was she so quick to forget about you when I held her in MY arms?"

Karlie couldn't help but cry hysterically reading that line over and over. Dianna was right. Taylor never loved her. "Oh my God, why is this happening? I can't get her out of my mind," Karlie grabbed at her head as she continued to sob. "I love her so much. I just can't...I can't go back to her."

🎶Cuz darling I'm a nightmare dressed like a daydream

Karlie grabbed her cell phone, as she heard the text notification go off.

Can we talk, please? I'm begging you. Please Karlie.

Karlie stared at the text from Taylor. It had been several weeks since they saw each other and with each day that passed the heartbreak only got worse. The model had kept herself busy, but nothing was the same. There was a time when she would race back to her apartment, after work, just to hurry and shower before making her way to Taylor's apartment. She used to melt into the singers kiss when she she'd open the door. She missed Taylor's touch... how the blonde girl used to stroke her hair while the model rested her head on her lap. Karlie decided to respond...

Hi. (Sent)
Yeah, we can talk (sent)

"OMG," Taylor said to herself in a state of shock. She had sent Karlie so many texts since leaving London but she never responded.

Are you back in NYC? Taylor asked.

Yes, Karlie replied.

I'm in Nashville but will be returning to NYC tomorrow morning. Can I see you tomorrow? The singer asked.

No. I'm coming to Nashville. Text me the address, I'll see you tonight. That was the final text, as Karlie packed a bag and hailed a taxi to the airport.

"What the hell am I doing? Have I lost my mind?" The model questioned herself as she made her way to the airport.

"Taylor, are you ok?" Andrea asked as she saw her daughter sitting on the bed with a blank look on her face.

Taylor's mouth turned into a slight smile,  "She's coming mom. Karlie is coming to Nashville. She'll be here tonight."

Andrea looked worried,"Are you sure you're ready to see her? I mean, you haven't been yourself in weeks Taylor. I'm just worried about you. I hate to see you hurt."

"This was all my fault mom." Taylor grabbed her mom's arm, "She's everything I could have ever wanted. I need to make this right. I need her back." As a few tears began to roll down her face, she silently said, " I love her."

"Then you go get your girl," Andrea said as she gently kissed the top of the singers head.

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