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In the morning the twosome decorated the front of the house.

"Kar, I don't know about that pumpkin on the middle step, on the right. It looks slightly smaller than the one below it. I think we need to swap them."

"Taylor, for the love of God. I've rearranged all ten pumpkins like fifteen times already. They're not light."

"Well, you're the one that doesn't want me lifting them. I said I'd help but you won't let me. I just want them to be perfect. They should be descending biggest to smallest and they just don't look right."

"Ughhhh, I'll do it again. This time tell me first where I need to move them before I actually do it and then have to redo it like fifty times."

After two more attempts, it was perfect.

"Now for the corn stalks. I think we should do a few on either side of the door. That chair with the scarecrow we bought at the festival will look perfect in front of one of the stalks."

"Tay, you're kidding right? You said you wanted the chair and scarecrow on the back porch. I already put it over there."

"I'm sorry Kar, but I really think it'll look better in front."

"ARE YOU SURE? Before I go get it and you tell me you want it somewhere else?"

"Karlie, don't yell at me. Don't you agree it'll look better in the front?"

"Right now, it'll look better in the fucking garbage."

"Well, that was nice." Taylor said as she began to walk away.

"Taylor, come on. Don't get all pissy now."

"Well, what the fuck Karlie. You don't want me to help you do the manual stuff but then you get mad when I dictate where it needs to go."

"You do realize Hitler was a dictator too and we all know how well THAT went." Karlie said as she began to laugh. "I'll go get the dumb scarecrow and chair but I'm not moving it again. Do you see how big this house is? It takes forever to get from one side to another carrying heavy crap."

"You're being impossible." Taylor said as Karlie walked away.

A few minutes later she returned and the front was now picture perfect.

"Oh my God, it looks so good Karlie. Thank you for putting it together."

Taylor kissed her wife as Karlie said, "Well next time we're hiring someone to decorate for us."

"Kar, I want to go to the craft store."

"For what? Haven't you bought enough stuff already. Taylor, I'm tired. I want to relax now."

"I saw a do it yourself project online that I want to try."

"We'll go later Tay. I'm going inside now. It's freezing and I'm sore."

Karlie walked in the living room and threw herself on the oversized chair, sprawling her legs over the ottoman in front of her. She closed her eyes as she rested her head on the back of the chair but was  suddenly startled, when she felt a 115 pound body jump on the chair with her.

"You again?" Karlie said with one eye open and a smirk on her face.

"Fine. I'll move."

But before Taylor could get to her feet, Karlie grabbed her waist and pulled her back.

"I'm just joking. Stay with me."

"Karlie, what are we doing today? Other than going to the craft store."

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