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The end of the St. Louis trip couldn't have been better. They shared one final dinner together engaging in some small talk before heading to bed.

Taylor and Karlie arrived in NY and each of the girls went to their apartments to pack for the LA trip that would be happening within the next 4 hours.  The model chose to stay at her place until it was time to leave for the airport again. This gave her enough time to pack and take a little nap.

As Taylor walked into her apartment, she couldn't help but feel how lonely it was. Such a big place for just one person and two cats. She had been thinking about asking Karlie to move in with her but doesn't know if maybe it's too soon. She wandered into her closet where she struggled to decide what to pack. She didn't need much, since she'll be staying in her own home, but nonetheless, she grabbed a few items.

When she was done, she laid on her couch and began to fall asleep until she heard her phone ring. She glanced down and saw a familiar.

"Selena!! How are you?"

"Hey Taylor. I'm doing good. I actually finished my album and my single 'Good For You' will be getting released this week. I am so excited. I'll begin the promo for the album and anticipated tour. When will you be in LA? I'm going to be performing the single, for the first time ever, at a little club that a close friend of mine just opened. He's been such a pal that I offered to do it for free, for the promotion of his club."

"It's so funny that you called. Karlie and I are heading to LA in about 3 hours. We just got back from visiting her family in St. Louis like an hour ago and stopped in NY to pack, while my plane gets refueled. It depends on Karlie's schedule as to how long we'll be in LA." Taylor was really excited about getting to see her west coast friends, especially Selena.

"That's awesome. I'm so excited now. Do you think you and Karlie will be able to come see me perform?

"We wouldn't miss it. I'll call you when we get out there. Love ya Sel."

"Ok. Bye Tay. Love ya too."

Taylor fluttered her feet in the air being super excited. She can't wait to tell Karlie but she'll wait to tell her on the plane. She knows the model is probably napping right now.

Two hours passed as Karlie phone rings. She looks down and sees a picture of her and Taylor.

"Hey babe. Yeah, I'm ready. I'll be right down."

Karlie made her way to the waiting SUV. When she opened the door, a hand quickly flew out and grabbed her collar, pulling her in quickly and into an intense kiss.

"Jesus babe, you could have given me whiplash," Karlie said jokingly.

The two made their way to the airport, as Taylor mentioned Selena's performance. Karlie thought it would be a lot of fun to go and have a night out.

The flight was a long one.

"Ughhh, I hate flying," Karlie said as she looked out of the window.

"Well, you're in the wrong profession babe. Your job takes you all over the world."

"I know, but there's just nothing to do. I mean it's a 5 hour flight. There's only so much music to listen to or movies to watch before I'm bored out of my mind.

Taylor shot her a seductive look, "Well, I bet I can snap you out of your boredom."

"Maybe." Karlie said as she tilted her head.

Taylor straddled the model on the couch and began kissing her as they slowly removed their clothes.

"Taylor, when are we gonna use the strap on? It was your idea to buy it but you never want to use it."

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