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Karlie had a few tricks up her sleeve for the remainder of the day. As soon as they returned to the house and parked their toy, Karlie hopped out and met Taylor on the other side. As the two walked in the door, Karlie pulled her wife in for a hug.

"What's this for?.....Not that I'm complaining, of course." Taylor said.

It's our one month wedding anniversary today." Karlie replied. "And I have a very special day planned just for us. Today we are ridding ourselves of all forms of technology. No cell phones, Internet or tv. Today it's just about you and me."

Taylor smiled as she said, "I didn't think you'd remember."

"What! Not remember? How could that even be possible? One month ago today, I married the love of my life. I will never forget the moment you walked out on stage and began to walk across the bridge."

Karlie stroked the singers cheek as she said, "I don't think I had ever seen anyone as beautiful as you were in that moment. You were absolutely stunning. Even with over one hundred thousand people present, you were the only one I saw. I remember having the worst case of butterflies in my stomach as you continued to walk towards me. Ya know what's so funny? Growing up, I used to have like ten 'best friends' and it used to drive my mother crazy when she'd hear me claim them as such. She would tell me that not all of them were REALLY my best friends. She'd say, 'Karlie, in five years, I bet that number will go from ten to five and ten years later it's gonna go from five to three and when you finally hit age fifty, you'll be left with one and THAT will be the one who is truly your best friend.' My mom was right; however, I didn't have to wait until age fifty to figure it out. Those ten girls weren't even my friends anymore by the time I met you. Life took us in different directions. After a few days, from the time you and I first met, I knew you were that best friend that I would have for my lifetime. And what's so amazing to me is that one month ago today, I got to marry her."

Taylor held her wife tight as she said, "I don't think I will ever be able to wrap my head around the fact that you could of had anyone, and yet you chose me. You are my beginning and my end and I love you so much. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you."

Taylor cupped Karlie's cheeks and pulled her in for a kiss. When they unlocked their lips, Karlie looked into those crystal blue eyes and said, "Come on, let's go start our day."

Since it was still early, the first event they shared was a hot bubble bath. They say at opposite ends of the tub as they massaged one another's  feet and talked about their plans for the future.

"I want a train." Karlie said.

"You want a what?"

"A train." Karlie repeated.

"Hahahahaha, why are you so random?" Taylor replied. "Exactly what kind of train do you want? A model train? Or a train for around the Christmas tree?"

"I want a REAL train, like one that you ride at an amusement park. That's what I want. We have so much property that I want a train that travels through our woods. I want our kids to have such an amazing childhood. How cool would it be to take them and their friends on a train ride for like birthday's and stuff. I just think it would be fun."

Taylor looked at her wife and shook her head at her outlandish idea. "Karlie, just out of curiosity...you didn't already buy a pair of stripped overalls and a conductors hat, did you?"

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