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Lily and Behati called Karlie's room, super excited that she and Taylor finally arrived. The girls wanted to go out for dinner and catch up. Taylor and Karlie had yet to tell their friends or fans of the pregnancy. They knew how they wanted to share the news with the fans, but needed to wait until Taylor was showing a baby bump. As for their friends, they were just going to tell them as they saw them.

"I'm going to take a shower before we go to dinner with the girls." Karlie said. "Are you coming?"

"Yeah." Taylor replied.

They hadn't talked much since leaving the plane and arriving at the hotel. Taylor felt horrible for disappointing her wife and letting her down. But she also didn't like being told what she would and wouldn't be doing. That was always something Taylor had an issue with, especially in her music career. Her label would always tell her what to do and it wasn't until she put her foot down, that they finally shut up. But this was different. She knew if she put her foot down with Karlie, all hell would break loose.

As the girls showered, Karlie asked if they were ready to tell their friends about the baby, over dinner.

"Yeah, they'll be excited." Taylor said.

"I hope they're more excited hearing it, than you are right now." Karlie replied.

"I was just thinking, Kar, that's all."

"About what? Tina?"

Karlie got out of the shower and began to dry herself as she prepared to get dressed. The model took a moment to just sit there and look over at Taylor, who looked as if she was about to cry as she too was getting ready. This isn't what Karlie wanted. She knew that her fighting with her wife, would cause unnecessary stress on Taylor's body, which wouldn't be good for the baby. She was going to drop it and just let it go. All she wanted was for Taylor to just do the right thing and end the friendship with Tina.

"Babe, come here."

Taylor walked over and stood in front of her wife, looking sad and helpless, as Karlie sat on the edge of the bed. The model grabbed her hands and looked her in the eyes.

"I love you so much. Do you even understand that? I would never do anything to hurt you and I sure as hell won't let anyone else hurt you. I don't want to fight with you, Taylor. I love everything about you, especially your unselfishness. Your fans have claimed you as their best friend for years because they always felt a connection with you. I get that. You're one of the most grounded people I have ever met and I know you mean well and would love to help everyone, but I can't sit back and watch you befriend someone who doesn't have your best interests in mind. You don't know this girl and when I met her, I too thought she was really sweet, but the reality is that neither of us really know her. I don't know what her or her girlfriend, ex-girlfriend, is capable of and I'm not willing to risk something happening to you. You mean everything to me Taylor."

Karlie pulled her wife close, as she wrapped her arms around her waist and rested her head against Taylor's chest. She felt the singer, stroke her hair as she kissed her wife's belly.

"I'm sorry Karlie. I'm going to make the phone call. I'll never let anyone come in between us. I wish I never lied to you. I don't want you to not trust me again."

Karlie stood to her feet and cupped her wife's face. "I do trust you Taylor. I know why you lied to me. It doesn't make it right, but it's not making me question you or us. I just want to keep you safe and even though you may not be touring and promoting your music anymore, doesn't mean that people have become less obsessed with you or wouldn't love to prey on your generosity."

The model kissed her wife, reassuring her that they were ok and this was just one more thing they would push through.

"Come on baby. Let's go meet the girls."

The two finished the final touches on their outfits before leaving to meet up with Lily and Behati.


"Ahhhhhh, we missed you guys." Behati said as she and Lily jumped up from the table and hugged the girls. "It's been way too long. I'm so glad you're back Karlie and I love the fact that Taylor is coming with you."

"Hey Tay, how long will you be traveling with Karlie?" Lily asked.

Taylor looked at Karlie and gave her a smile as she turned back to Lily and said, "I'll be traveling with her until I can no longer fly."

"No longer fly?" Lily questioned with a puzzling look.
It suddenly dawned on Lily what she was talking about. "OH MY GOD, YOU'RE NOT. YOU ARE?"

"She is what?" Behati asked completely confused.

"She's pregnant?" Lily said.

Behati looked over as she covered her mouth and said, "YOU ARE?"

Taylor just nodded her head with a smile on her face as Lily and Behati began to jump up and down.

The girls cried and jumped for joy.

"OMG, sit sit." Lily said. "Tell us EVERYTHING."

The girls filled their friends in over the next two hours. They all laughed and cried and carried on with excitement. Lily and Behati were so happy for the two of them.

"Do you have a name picked out yet?" Behati asked.

"We do, but we're gonna wait until she's here before we announce it." Karlie said.

"The baby's a girl? Awwww." Lily replied as she continued to wipe her eyes.

Behati looked over at Karlie, unsure of whether or not she should ask the next question, but she decided to ask anyway. "Is it ok if I tell Cara? I mean, if you don't want me to, that's fine. I know you guys aren't talking, so I just didn't know.."

"It's fine." Karlie replied. "You can tell her. The world will be finding out soon enough anyway. How is she doing?"

"She's fine. Her arm is in a cast and it's making her nuts. She hates not being able to work but she's managing."

"And you guys? How's everything with the two of you?"

"It's rough, ya know. I love Cara and I know she loves me but it's just different. I don't think I'll ever be 'the one' for her. Sometimes I think it's just a matter of time before we finally call it quits but it never happens. We have such an unhealthy relationship. Constantly fighting one minute and then making up the next. I'm not really sure why we choose to stay but, we do. It would be easier to have a relationship like you and Taylor, ya know?"

"Well, our relationship hasn't been all sunshine and rainbows either." Karlie said with a chuckle. "I mean, we've had our share of ups and downs, a couple of breakups along the way, couples counseling, individual counseling. I mean, it hasn't been easy."

Karlie looked at her wife and wrapped her arm around her shoulders as she said, "But I wouldn't trade her in for the world."

"Awwww, see that's what I mean." Behati said. "I want THAT. I want to feel wanted. I want my girlfriend to want me around all the time. Cara could care less that I'm in London right now and she's in New York. This is probably her opportunity to cheat on me and then claim it as an accident and me being stupid will just accept it. Uhhhh, I just don't know what to do anymore."

Lily just looked at her and rolled her eyes. "Behati, you're the one who puts up with her shit. If you don't want to be walked all over, then stop laying down for her and allowing her to do it. I'm so tired of Cara and her bullshit. I love her and she's my friend but enough is enough. How can you treat someone like that all the time? You clearly don't trust her. And if there's no trust, how can there be a relationship?"

Taylor squeezed Karlie's knee under the table as her wife placed her hand on top of hers and traced the infinity symbol with her finger, letting her know it was ok. They weren't Cara and Behati.

After another hour, the girls decided to go back to their hotel rooms since they had an early shoot.

When they returned to their room, Karlie and Taylor got changed for bed but before they turned in, Karlie pulled her wife in for a hug. "I meant what is said at dinner. We may not have the perfect relationship and we may have gone through a lot of shit but I wouldn't trade you in for anyone else. I love you baby."

"I love you too."

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