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Taylor had turned her head back away from me, staring out the window at the now pitch black forest. We had been in the treehouse for over 5 hours and the only light we now had was from 2 flickering candles that burned on the table next to us. We sat in silence as I held Taylor close, feeling her play with my fingers that were intertwined around her waist. I stared at the back of her head, wanting to know her thoughts. I noticed one of her hands come from under the blanket and brush a tear from her eye. I leaned close, placing my head on her shoulder.

"Please don't cry. It was a long time ago Taylor. I'm here with you now and I love every minute of it. You are my heart. My heart belongs to you. I love you so much."

I saw a little smile come across those beautiful full lips of hers and she nodded her head slightly.

"Can I ask you another question Karlie?"

Oh God please, no more questions, I said to myself.
"Sure baby, ask away." I braced myself for the worse.

"Does Toni still live 15 minutes away from you?"

"I'm not really sure. I mean, the last I knew she did but since I haven't talked to her in a while, I really don't know."

Taylor replied with, "Oh. So when was the last time you talked to her?"

Now my hands are beginning to sweat. "I bumped in to her a few months ago when I was interviewing at IMG."

Taylor whipped her head around," SHE'S A MODEL?"

"Babe, I don't know. I mean, she was there, so I guess she wants to be a model but I didn't call her to see if she got the job, so I don't know. Please don't worry about this. WE are together now...you and me. That's all that matters. Our past is our past for a reason. I can't change what happened but I can at least learn from it and apply the good things to my future...which is you. I only love you, just you."

Taylor leaned back against me, grabbing my hands under the blanket. "I just want us to be happy, Karlie. I want to spend my life with you and only you. I never felt this way about anyone, not even Dianna. You bring me so much joy and I'm so afraid that something will happen and we'll break up forever. It almost happened once because of me. I ju-..."

I wouldn't let her finish. I tilted her head up and kissed her lips. The kiss became more passionate, as I ran my hands over her breasts, giving them a slight squeeze. I could feel her smile against me as I got a mouthful of teeth to kiss. "Stop smiling," I said to my blue eyed princess. I slid one hand down to her legs and pulled it to the side as I began to rub her. We broke the kiss as Taylor leaned back against me, reaching one of her hands around the back of my head as the other hand squeezed my thigh. I watched her chest rise and fall with every breath as I continued to rub her, getting her closer to orgasm.

She looked up at me with a lustful desire in her eyes. Between the shallow breaths she said, "Karlie...will you use your tongue?"

I brandished a smile across my face as I removed myself from behind her, leaning her against a pillow and nuzzling my face between her legs. It was only a few minutes before Taylor screamed my name as she reached her orgasm. After kissing her lips, I rested my head on her stomach and pulled the blanket over us. We stayed like this for another 2 hours.

It was now 11 pm. We had been in this treehouse for for 7 hours. "Think we should go back?"

My blue eyed girlfriend gave me a pout and asked if we really had to. I had to confess that I really needed to pee. Taylor laughed as she pointed to a door within the treehouse and said, "So go pee. The bathroom is right there."

"Shut the fuck up. You have a BATHROOM in your treehouse?"

Taylor was laughing hysterically as she said, "You haven't seen the TV show Treehouse Masters, have you? Come on, let me give you a tour as she flicked a light switch, turning the lights on.

"YOU HAVE LIGHTS TOO? Why didn't you tell me when you saw me lighting the candles.

My princess kissed my cheek and said, " The candles were more romantic."

After realizing that there was a bathroom, small kitchen area with a fridge filled with drinks, not to mention the upstairs loft that had a king size bed, I realized that we could stay here forever.

"Come on babe, let's get dressed. Your parents are probably wondering what we've been doing for 7hrs."

With a seductive smile Taylor looked at me and said, "Oh, I'm sure they have an idea."

My cheeks turned red as I'm now afraid to face her parents.

"I'm just joking, they probably think that we're just talking."

I think that was supposed to put my mind at ease...unfortunately, it didn't work.

We got dressed and headed back to the house using a flashlight to lead the way.

As we walked in, we heard, "Well well well, did you have a good time? We thought you got lost." Andrea sat in the living room with a smile on her face from ear to ear.

"Umm, yeah. I mean, no. I mean yeah we had a good time but no we didn't get lost."

"That was slick babe." Taylor said as she began to laugh.

Andrea also chuckled as she bid us both a goodnight.

"Mrs. Swi-..Andrea.. Where would you like me to sleep? I can stay on the couch."

Before she could answer, I felt a tug on my hand. As I looked over I saw Taylor's lips begin to part, "You're staying with me. Come on."

We both headed towards the stairs, I was too afraid to turn around and make eye contact with Andrea. As we started up the stairs, the familiar voice from the living room said, "Goooooodnight girls."

Taylor let out, "Gooooodnight mom. Love you."

We made our way to Taylor's room where she locked the door as soon as we entered and ripped my clothes off.

"What in God's name are you doing? We can't do this HERE, in your parents home. We've been doing IT all day."

"Listen Kloss, it was your idea to come back. We could have stayed in the treehouse and fucked all night."

I grabbed her close, "I love it when you talk dirty." I kissed her lips as she led me to her bathroom. We took a long hot shower filled with amazing sex before going to sleep wrapped in each other's arms.

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