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The girls are exactly one week away from their wedding day. Karlie has endured her final hormone session. She's supposed to wait seven days before attempting egg extraction, but because of the wedding and her surgery, everything is happening a lot sooner. The hormone therapy was completed four days ahead of schedule and she will be having the eggs extracted on Thursday. She had the option of having the procedure earlier in the week but she refused, saying that there was something she needed to do in St. Louis.

Taylor was pissed with her decision. They had already been informed that the recuperation time for the extraction is at least two days in most cases. This means if she has it done on Thursday, she may still feel the effects on Saturday... their wedding day.

"Karlie, we aren't doing anything today, tomorrow or Monday. Why won't you make your appointment on one of those days? This doesn't make sense. Tuesday the girls are having their final fittings, Wednesday you have a meeting with the VS executives, Thursday you're now having the procedure and were flying to Nashville Thursday night, which can't be fucking safe. What if something happens to you and were on an airplane for four hours? Friday we have the dress rehearsal and Saturday we're getting married. When do you have time to rest? Why do you need to go to St. Louis? Please explain this to me."

Taylor is on the brink of tears. Nothing Karlie is doing makes sense to her and she's frustrated.


"Are you ready?" Karlie asked.

"Ready for what?"

"Come on, grab Olivia and I'll get Meredith. Let's get them in their carriers. We need to be out of the house in 15 minutes."

"For what? Where are we going?" Taylor asked.

"We're going to St. Louis. Now go grab Olivia."

Karlie, what are you talking about. I'm not even packed for a trip."

"Taylor listen to me. I already packed a bag for both of us. We're going to St. Louis. We'll be back on Monday. I'm not arguing with you. You may not understand my decision right now and that's fine. But there's no sense in going back and forth about it. Let's just get our four legged children please, so we can leave. I love you. Just trust me."

Karlie kissed the singer as she began to look for Meredith.

"Ughhhhh, I CAN'T EVEN BE MAD AT YOU BECAUSE I LOVE YOU TOO MUCH." Taylor yelled in frustration as she began looking for Olivia.

An hour later, they were on the plane.

"Kar, I just don't understand what's going on?"

"Taylor, take a nap. We still have three hours to go."

Karlie reclined back in her chair, applied her eye mask and covered herself with a blanket.

"Karrrrrr, just talk to me please."


The model began to laugh as she picked the singer up, and sat back down on the recliner, with the Taylor on top of her. She covered the two of them with the blanket, grabbed her iPhone and handed an earbud to Taylor as she placed the other one in her ear. She selected relaxing classical music to listen to as she kissed Taylor's lips and said, "Just take a nap with me. We'll be there in no time."

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