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The hotel room phone rang.

"Hello?" Karlie answered.

"Karlie, its Gigi."

"What do you want? Calling to harass my girlfriend?"

"Listen, about that. I may have been a little harsh."

"A LITTLE HARSH? I think you were a little more than harsh."

"Can I come to your room, so we can have this conversation face to face?"


Moments later Gigi arrived.

"Ok, first off I want to apologize to you for the things I said to Taylor. Lily really let me have it when we got to our room and she made me realize that what I said was really unfair to her."

"Gee, ya think," Karlie replied in a really pissed off tone.

"Ok, I deserved that. I just felt bad for Toni, that's all. We had been working on a shoot together and we were just talking about general stuff. I asked if she had a boyfriend and she laughed and said no, and that she hadn't been with anyone since her girlfriend. She told me the whole story about how she really loved her and that her ex ended up cheating on her."

We must have talked about it for an hour or more before she actually referred to this person by their name, Karlie. I had a feeling it was you because she had described her ex as being a really tall brunette who had the greenest eyes she ever seen and could be a model. Since you're the only Karlie I know, matching that description, I asked what her last name was and that's how it was confirmed to be you."

"Karlie, hear me out. She's still in love with you. You broke her heart. You never gave her a reason for why you cheated. When I found out it was you, I had told her that you had just signed with VS too. She freaked out, in a good way. She wants to talk to you. She has questions that she needs answers to before she can really move on with her life."

"I just think you at least owe her a conversation. Will you at least consider talking to her?"

Karlie just sat there staring at Gigi. She had no desire to talk to Toni. What is she supposed to say? Sorry I broke your heart but I'm in love now with someone else and really happy. So you can move on now.

"Gigi, I don't know. I don't want to hurt her anymore than I already have. She's  really sweet and deserves someone who will treat her like she's the only person in the world that matters."

"Will you please just consider it? Please?" Gigi is practically begging.

"Yeah, I'll consider it." Karlie replied wanting to crawl under a rock and die at this point.

"Thanks Karlie. I'd like to apologize to Taylor too. Will she be here tonight?"

"Jesus, everyone is going to be apologizing to her this week." Karlie thought to herself.

"Yeah, she'll be over in a little while. But I don't know if the two of us are doing anything."

"Well, me, Behati and Lily are going to dinner tonight. Why don't you guys join us." Gigi stood there hoping Karlie would agree.

"Take my number down and text me the details. I'll talk to Taylor and if she wants to go, then we'll meet you guys there."

"Sounds good. Hopefully we'll see you guys later." Gigi turned around and left.

Karlie threw herself on the bed. "This day has been ridiculous. I can't take much more."


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