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The next morning, Karlie woke up for her morning run which she was dreading because she knew it would be freezing outside. She looked over to her and saw Taylor's side empty. She figured she was probably in the kitchen, so she decided to get dressed. When she got downstairs, Taylor was no where to be found. She went back upstairs and checked the kids rooms, music room and office but there was no sign of her. She called her cell phone but she heard it ring in the bedroom, realizing Taylor didn't have it. She went outside, but didn't see her on the porch.

Starting to panic, Karlie checked the garage to see if a car was missing, but it wasn't; however, Taylor's ATV was. She hopped on hers and headed towards the woods but as she saw was coming up on the guest house she noticed the glittery vehicle parked out front. She pulled up and walked into the house. There was no sign of her in the living room or kitchen. She walked over to the first bedroom, but didn't see her. As she got closer to the second bedroom, she began to hear what sounded like moaning.

Karlie gently opened the door and found Taylor laying on her stomach. She had on cute loose fitting shorts that were rather short and a little tank top. The singer was looking away from the door as she laid her head on the pillow with one hand underneath it, gripping the sheets, while the other hand was down her shorts. One leg was slightly bent while her butt was moving up and down at a steady pace. Karlie could see her hand rubbing herself harder, as each moan became louder.
Holy fuck this is hot.

Karlie didn't know what to do. Does she casually walk over to her and join in? Does she pretend like she didn't see anything and sneak out? Does she begin to masturbate because this is making her incredibly horny right now? She decided to sneak out. As she slowly closed the door a small creek escaped the hinge. Karlie stopped dead in her tracks, still holding the door knob and praying Taylor didn't hear it. She was too afraid to look and began to continue pulling the door shut when suddenly, the door flew open almost causing her to fall forward.

As she regained her balance she looked up to find her wife smiling at her.

"Umm, hey Tay. I was just gonna go for a run but I didn't see you and I got a little worried so I checked all over the house and couldn't find you and I thought maybe you went somewhere so I checked the garage but the cars were still there but then I saw your ATV was gone and so I went looking for you and then I saw it parked in front of the guest house and I came inside and looked in the first bedroom but didn't find you and then I thought I heard something in the second bedroom and I slowly opened the door because I didn't want to bother you if you were reading or something but then I saw you and you definitely weren't reading and I didn't know what to do and part of me wanted to join you and another part of me wanted to just keep watching you while I did the same thing and another part of me wanted to just leave and pretend I didn't see anything I mean I really DIDN'T want to leave but I just thought that's what you'd want me to do so that's what I tried to do and I tried to be quiet because I didn't want to scare you or piss you off but then the stupid door made a noise and I didn't think you heard it at least I hoped you didn't but clearly you did and then you flung open the door and I almost fell flat on my face because I was gripping the door knob so tight and now here I am not really sure what I'm supposed to do or why I'm talking so fast without really breathing all I know is that I'm a little scared right now because we've been getting along so well and not fighting and I love that and I just don't want to make you upset so I'll just apologize now for anything I did wrong in the last ten minutes that I've been here."

Karlie stood there breathing insanely heavy as Taylor just watched her. The singer had a hand on her hip and her head was slightly tilted to the side as she bit her bottom lip while looking into Karlie's her green eyes. Taylor took her other arm and extended it towards Karlie as she gripped the models jacket and pulled her close to her. She said absolutely nothing as she grabbed the back of Karlie's neck and pulled her head down to kiss her. The model kissed her back as Taylor pulled away slightly and said, "I missed you."

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