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It's Friday morning and the Spain trip is almost over. The girls would be leaving on Saturday to head to their Rhode Island home.

Taylor's birthday was on Sunday but they weren't planning on celebrating this weekend, being that they were just getting back from Spain; however, Karlie felt this made it even more perfect for her to pull off a surprise party Saturday night when they got back.

All week long, Karlie was emailing Andrea, who was already at the RI house, making arrangements. All of Taylor's friends would be flying in from all over the country to join in on the celebration. The biggest surprise however, would be Abigail, who Taylor hadn't seen in months due to missionary work she was doing in Africa. This would be the ultimate surprise and Karlie couldn't wait to see the look on Taylor's face when she saw her.

Each day that passed this week was more eventful than the last. The video had gotten leaked and the Internet was on fire. Gigi didn't even attempt to continue the fight against Taylor and Karlie because she knew they were too powerful to go up against. She decided to back off and go into hiding. The last the girls heard, she decided to go to the Netherlands and stay at her mother's childhood home.

As for Tina, the phone calls had stopped. Taylor no longer jumped every time the phone rang and things seemed to be getting a lot better. Tree had been instructed to go to her apartment but upon arrival, she found it completely empty. There were no signs of Tina or any remnants of her belongings. It seemed as if she packed up and fell off the face of the earth.

Karlie would periodically get a text from Gwen, just to say hello and although Taylor wasn't thrilled about it, she was confident enough to know that her relationship was solid and nothing would come in between them.

"Hey you, good morning." Karlie said as she rolled over and was greeted by crystal blue eyes staring back at her. "Were you stalking me?" She said with a chuckle.

Taylor laid on top of her as she replied, "As a matter of fact, I was." She leaned in and kissed her wife as Karlie began to run her hands up her back. "We need to get dressed soon because, we have plans to tour the city and then we are going to a jazz festival tonight."

"Oh really." Karlie said as she pecked her wife's lips. "Do we have to get ready right this second, orrrrrr..."

"I think I know what you have in mind and YES, we have to get ready." Taylor said as she bit her bottom lip.

"Baaaaaaby, how are you gonna lay on top of me, looking all hot and biting your bottom lip and not expect me to want to have sex?"

"Come on sexy, let's go shower." Taylor said as she placed a quick kiss on her wife's lips before climbing off of her.

The girls spent the day touring Spain before heading to the Jazz festival.

"This is really cool, babe." Karlie said as they approached a crowd of people dancing in the street.

The girls had a reserved table where they dined on some of the traditional food, while watching the band play. Karlie couldn't take her eyes off of Taylor, who was wearing a very similar outfit to the locals. She had on a billowy skirt with a top that exposed both shoulders and bared her midriff. She also had a red flower in her hair, over one ear. Taylor loved how her skirt would flare out when she would spin. Karlie could watch her all day long. The girls danced in the streets for a couple of hours before making their way back to the hotel to begin packing for their journey home the following day.

As soon as they entered their hotel room, Karlie kicked off her shoes and threw herself on the couch.
"Ahhhh, I swear my feet are thanking me right now."

"Yeah, tell me about it. I think I did way too much dancing for a pregnant woman."

Taylor sat on the opposite end of the couch, as Karlie reached over and removed her heels and started to massage her feet.

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