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As the day progressed, Karlie became more and more angry with how Taylor was acting earlier about the scrapbook. It was just so fucked up and yet, what can she do? Start a fight that's only going to get worse? Or just stay quiet and let it all build up before she explodes? Either way, neither option was going to bring positive results. This isn't what this whole experience was supposed to be like.

Karlie began to make dinner as Taylor was still in their bedroom, probably reading another book. The model didn't even want to see her wife's face right now and opted to call her on her cell.


"Taylor, I'm about to make dinner. Did you want anything in particular?"

"I'm not really hungry, so make whatever."

"Tay, you have to eat something. You haven't eaten all day. Just tell me what you want."


Karlie took a deep breath to calm herself before she lost her mind.

"Taylor. You're trying to get pregnant. You have to give your body the nutrition it needs to have a healthy baby. Please tell me SOMETHING you would like. I mean, do you want something light? Like soup? Do you want a grilled cheese? Just help me out here."

"Maybe you didn't hear me the first time, I-AM-NOT-HUNGRY. If I get hungry I'll either make something myself or grab a bite to eat with Selena."

"Fine." Karlie said as she hung up the phone.

Taylor was pushing Karlie to the edge. She was getting so close to saying something she'd only end up regretting. She had to get out of this house. She couldn't stay here any longer, but how does that make her look? People would think she was so selfish for leaving her wife while she's preparing her body to get pregnant with their baby. But no one could understand. I mean, how could they? No one knew they were even doing this except Selena.

This is so fucked up. I'm a prisoner in my own fucking house. I need to do something. I need to let it all out but how?

Karlie reached for her phone and did the only thing she could think of. She needed to figure this out and let out her frustration. She needed someone who wasn't biased and could give a genuine opinion.

She decided to make the call.


"Hi. It's Karlie, do you have minute? I really need to talk."

Before the question could even be answered, Karlie broke down.

"I don't know what to do anymore. Taylor and I decided to have a baby and she's taking these hormone shots. The doctor told us that she might suffer from mood swings, but it's just crazy. She snaps on me every chance she gets. No matter what I try and do for her, it's never good enough. I try and be there. I took her out on a date last night and it was perfect. It reminded me how happy we were just a week ago. I'm not being a baby about this but I'm at a loss. I even made a scrapbook today with all of the moments we captured while we traveled. It even includes pictures of the dream home I had built for her. The only thing she liked about the whole thing was the picture of her fucking cats. She complained about everything else. 'Why this picture? Why that picture? I don't look good in this one. Why did you include the house? It should be in its own book.' I'm so fucking tired of trying to make her happy."

"Oh, and then there's Gwen. She's girl I met when running a few days ago. She's cool and runs the same trails, so we've been meeting up every morning. Like it's no big deal. I like having someone to run with, it helps motivate me and keeps me pushing myself. I even introduced her to Taylor. This wasn't a secret. I wasn't trying to hide Gwen. I'm not fucking her. I'm just running. Last night Taylor kinda confessed that she's a little jealous of her. So, I did what I thought was the right thing to do. I asked Taylor if she wanted me to stop running with her. I mean, yeah it would suck because like I said, I like the motivation but this is my wife I'm talking about and I refuse to make her feel out of place. I wouldn't have been mad if she said, 'Yes Karlie, stop running with her.' I would have said ok and that would have been the end of it. No questions asked, no arguments, no nothing. That would have been it but nooooooo, she says she understands that I like having a partner and that I could continue running with her. Like, is this reverse psychology shit or something? I'm so fucking angry, I want to scream."

"And where is she as we speak? Upstairs on our bed reading a fucking book. She's been reading books non stop for days. At night she reads, during the day she reads. We don't have sex but if we did, she'd probably be reading during it. I have no one to talk to and vent because I didn't want people to know we were going to start the process. I didn't want her to get inundated with questions about if she was pregnant yet and have that added stress.  But she told Selena because Selena had to give her the hormone shot the other day when I got lost on my morning run and before you ask, yes Gwen was with me. We went down a trail we had never been down before and somehow got lost and when we finally made it back to the house, I missed the timeframe to give the injection and Taylor was pissed her attitude kicked in and basically, since that day it's only gotten progressively worse."

"I mentioned returning to work the other day and she bit my head off, saying how I promised to be here while she goes through her treatment and to also be here when she gets implanted with the embryo. Like, NO SHIT. I did promise her that and I meant every word I said. I'm not going to leave her during this whole process and head to NY or London. I happen to love my wife more than anything in this world. But I've reached my breaking point. I keep trying and trying and nothing is good enough."

"How do I tell her? I mean, how do I even BEGIN to tell her that I don't want this baby?"

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