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Taylor sat and watched her parents embrace one another. Everything her dad said played in her head over and over. He was so pure and honest in the words he spoke. The love her parents had for each other was genuine and real. It was the same love that she and Karlie have for each other.

She got up and went to the roof terrace. She sat on the couch and remembered snuggling up close to the woman she loved, breathing in her scent as she listened to her heart beat. She remembered the night they made love up there under the stars and how no one ever made her feel so wanted as Karlie did.

The day was long and she reached for her phone to call Lily, needing to know if she heard anything.

"Hi Lily? It's Taylor. Have you heard from her?"

"I'm sorry, I haven't. We all keep trying to call her cell phone but she's not responding. We're doing our best Taylor, please know that. The entire industry is on a mission to find her. If we hear anything, you'll be the first one we call. It'll be ok, we'll find her."

"Lily? Do you think she'll hurt herself?"

"Please don't say that. You need to stay positive. We are going to find her, ALIVE. And in the end, everything will be ok. I'm just so sorry."

Taylor began to cry as Lily hung up the phone. She held her necklace, rubbing her fingers over the charm, but it didn't work. It didn't calm her down. She needed to feel Karlie's embrace and tell her how much she loved her.

Taylor's phone rang non stop. Everyone in the music industry called her wanting to know if there was any word yet. It was amazing to think that so many people just loved her, even if they didn't know her. They loved her because Taylor loved her and that was all that mattered.

Night fell soon, as the singer stayed on the roof. She heard footsteps behind her and saw her mom walk over holding two cups of hot chocolate.

"Would you like some company?"

"Sure mom."

The two sat side by side and covered themselves with a blanket.

"It almost feels like we're in a different city up here, it's so quiet," Andrea said as she looked to see the tops of the surrounding buildings, but no people on sight.

"Yeah, I like to come up here and think. So did Karlie. What if I never see her again? I don't think I'll survive this mom."

"You'll see her again and it'll be fine. You have a never ending love." Andrea grabbed her daughters hand and held it tight.

"Mom, dad said, 'We never said it would be easy, but it sure was worth it', to you, when he hugged you. Karlie had that message inscribed on a locket she gave to me in Italy. How could she have known that phrase?"

Andrea laughed as she said, "You're girlfriend found it."

"Found what?"

"When you're dad and I renovated the treehouse, he carved that quote into a piece of wood. It's on the bench, covered by the cushion. Karlie must have seen it. It's a beautiful quote, isn't it?"

"Yeah. I love it. It sums up the best relationships. She knows everything about me, ya know. Every detail and every secret, she knows it all. We told each other everything about ourselves one night. No secrets, no lies, just 100% honesty. That was the night that we began again. The night in the mansion in the sky."

Mansion in the sky....wait...


Taylor hopped up from the couch.

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