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The London shoot was coming to an end and the next day, the girls would be heading to Spain. Taylor was getting continuous calls from Tina, that she'd ignore but the crazy girl would leave countless voicemails. Having so many contacts would make it difficult to just have her number changed, so Taylor would do her best to just ignore the calls. Her emotions were all over the place, due to this hidden secret she had and the guilt of keeping it from Karlie was getting to her but she didn't know how to tell her wife.

Taylor went to take a shower as Karlie was rolling out of bed. When she walked into the bathroom, she caught Taylor standing sideways, looking at herself in the mirror, as she rubbed her belly. She was finally beginning to show a little baby bump, which appeared sooner than what Dr. Parker had anticipated. The model grabbed her phone to sneak a picture before walking over to her wife and wrapping her arms around her waist.

Taylor looked up at her wife as she said, "I'm showing."

"That's our baby in there and you look absolutely beautiful. You are the hottest pregnant woman I've ever seen. I was looking at the schedule when we're in Spain and I have a day off while we're there. I was thinking that maybe you and I could do something, just the two of us. Maybe you can look up some things to do while I'm working today and we could plan something."

"I think I can manage that." Taylor replied.

"Baby, are you sure you're ok? Tay, you've been acting really strange all week long. Like, you're nervous or something. If anything was wrong, you'd tell me right?"

Taylor just looked at her wife as she could feel the tears coming on.

Karlie grabbed a robe to put on her wife as she led her back to the bedroom. The model sat on a chair, pulling Taylor to her lap.

"Babe, tell me. I know there's something wrong. Just talk to me."

"Karlie, I don't know how to tell you."

Karlie kissed her wife's arm as she said, "You can tell me anything."

"It's Tina. I called her the other day to end our friendship and she turned psycho on me. She didn't take it well. She said I led her on and that she thought I wanted to be with her because I helped her financially with her apartment and her debt."

Taylor paused, as she could feel Karlie's body tensing up under her. The model grabbed her wife's hands and interlocked their fingers.

"Is there anything else Tay?"

Taylor nodded her head slowly.

"Taylor, just put it all on the table."

"I told her how we had trust issues in the past, but she's twisting my words and making it seem that those issues exist now. I just wanted to let her know that people from all backgrounds have issues and that she wasn't alone. Kar, she said that I kissed her. But I didn't Karlie. I swear, I didn't."

Taylor could now feel Karlie beginning to breathe harder.

"Is there anything else, Taylor?"

"I mentioned the divorce and she thinks that you're making me go to counseling, otherwise you'll leave me."

Taylor got up from her wife's lap and began to walk away from her.

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