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Morning came and Karlie had a huge hangover.
She walked out of Lily's bedroom and saw Lily asleep on the couch wondering what was going on. Why was she in Lily's room and not home at Taylor's.
She grabbed a bottle of water and some pills for her massive headache android sat on a chair in the living room.

Lily soon woke up.

"How's the head," Lily asked.

"It's killing me. What happened last night and what am I doing here?

"Well, let's see...Behati and I had to babysit you and Cara at the club as the two of you drank enough alcohol to kill two grown men. Then the two of you were grinding your bodies against every hot piece of ass that came up to you. You almost made out with two girls as you attempted to lure one of them somewhere. I'm assuming the bathroom. That's when I broke it up and Behati and I dragged your asses back here to our rooms. I figured you probably needed the bed, so I just stayed on the couch."

Karlie just sat there stunned. "OMG, TAYLOR!!"

The model went back to the bedroom to grab her phone.

As she was about to make the phone call, Lily stopped her.

"Karlie listen, you need to hear this. One of the random girls took a picture with you as she kissed your cheek. She posted it on Instagram and Twitter and tagged all of us....including Taylor. She already saw it Karlie."

The model put her head in her hands as she began to cry.

"I'm sorry Kar. Really, I am." Lily said as she rubbed her friends back.

Karlie continued to make the call anyway. After  several rings, Taylor picked up.

"Karlie. WTF HAPPENED? Did you sleep with her?"

"No Taylor no. I was stupid and got really drunk but I didn't sleep with her."

"Then tell me what you did Kar. Tell me every fucking detail." Taylor was fuming. She hates to be like this with the love of her life, but she had no choice. She needed answers.

"I was dancing with a few girls and that's it." Karlie said as Lily gave her the evil eye. She knew it wasn't JUST DANCING.

"Karlie, you're lying to me," Taylor said as the tears began to fall from her eyes.

"Baby, I-i....I don't know what I did. I know I was dancing but I was so drunk that I'm not sure. But I know I didn't have sex with anyone. You can ask Lily, she was there and watched me all night. Please talk to her."

Karlie handed Lily the phone.

"Taylor? It's Lily. Listen, it is true that Behati and I watched Karlie all night. She and Cara were both really drunk and we wanted to make sure that nothing stupid happened. She didn't sleep with anyone Taylor, that's the truth."

"Lily, did she JUST dance with these girls?" There was an awkward silence on the phone.


"No. Taylor. She was dancing pretty close and I had to pull her away a couple of times when I thought something would happen." Lily was unable to even look at Karlie as the green eyed girl was hysterically crying while looking at the floor.

"I want to know EVERYTHING Lily. Why did you have to pull her away?"

"Taylor, listen. It's over and done with. We don't need to keep going over this. Just let it go." Lily was bothered at the fact that Taylor was putting her in the middle. She felt like she already said too much.

Taylor began crying even harder. "Lily, please. I have to know."

"Hold on Taylor," Lily said as she looked to Karlie.

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