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Taylor was over Karlie's apartment, watching her pack, as she was about to embark on a month long photo shoot in Australia. This shoot was a mix of VS and Nike, which was perfect for Karlie's schedule. Christmas and New Years came and went. They each spent Christmas with each of their families and New Years together.

The next three months had been perfect. They started couples counseling again, while they each continued their individual sessions with Miss Simpson as well. Taylor was making huge progress with her insecurities. The strength she saw in Karlie, gave her the motivation she needed.

They were in constant communication with each other when they weren't together. Taylor started sending love letters to Karlie, when she was away, feeling it was much more romantic and personal, than sending a text. Karlie had custom fortune cookies made, that she had filled with custom messages that she came up with. The intent was for Taylor to open one a day, reassuring her that even though Karlie wasn't there, she was always thinking about her. Unfortunately it was short lived since Taylor opened all 100 cookies open on the first day.

It was a very exciting time for each of them. Taylor's world tour would be starting in two weeks and had a four month duration. It wasn't going to be as long as the 1989 tour because Taylor was getting to a different place in her life. She wanted to begin to slow down a little and take more of a backseat approach in the industry, maybe write for new up and coming artists.

Karlie was doing extremely well. Nike and VS were huge successes. She was one of, if not, the most sought after model in the industry. There were no signs of her slowing down anytime soon. Her mental health was better than ever. She still hadn't told Taylor about what had happened to her as a child with her first therapist nor the reason she needed a therapist to begin with. However, she did begin to acknowledge her dad more, as Taylor noticed framed pictures of him and Karlie together, all over her living room. Tracy would send a few pictures at a time and would write a little story on the back of each one, knowing that Karlie didn't have much of a memory of her dad. Taylor knew her dad had died, but never the details of his death. She knew that in time, Karlie would tell her.

On a side note, the house was almost done. Not in its entirety, just the structure itself. Tracy was sending pictures of the progress almost everyday. Karlie never met with Andy to pick out all of the details for  inside of the home. Tracy was getting stressed out because she knew that some of the supplies, such as granite countertops, could take up to 3 months to come in. Meaning, if they ordered them today, they wouldn't be delivered until  the end of June and then there could be a delay on the install. Karlie didn't care because she had a plan, one that only she knew about.

Between Karlie's shoot in Australia and the beginning of Taylor's world tour, they weren't going to see each other for at least 5-6 weeks, which made tonight that much more special for them to spend it alone.

"Babe, I'm gonna miss you."

"43," Karlie said.

"43," what?" Taylor asked.

"In the last two hours, you have told me 43 times that you're gonna miss me."

Taylor crossed her arms as she began to pout, "Not nice Karls."

Karlie walked over to the singer, pushing her back on the bed, as she got on top, straddling her. Her arms slowly approached Taylor's sides as the singer watched, getting a little turned on, until Karlie began to......tickle her.

Laughter echoed throughout the apartment as Taylor kicked and screamed, twisting her body as Karlie continued to make her laugh. Soon, the tickling stopped, as Karlie just hovered over Taylor, watching her heart rate begin to slow down as she caught her breath. The model said no words. Instead, she let her hands do all the talking.

She slowly raised Taylor's shirt, kissing her stomach, until she removed it completely. She pulled the singer up, removing her bra and kissing her lips, before laying her back down. Taylor tugged on Karlie's shirt, pulling her on top of her, while engaging in another passionate kiss. Taylor slid her hand down the models pants, smiling against her lips as she found her to be so wet. The model licked the singers neck as she gently moaned into the singers ear, telling her to go faster.

Feeling Karlie's warm and labored breath against her neck, aroused Taylor that much more. Soon the model reached her orgasm, as her body collapsed against Taylor's. As her her breath began to steady, Karlie removed the rest of her clothes and Taylor's before returning the favor.

They laid together for hours, before Karlie leaned over, telling Taylor they needed to get dressed because they had somewhere to be for 8pm.

"Babe, can't we just stay here and have more sex."

"No one would ever believe me if I told them that Taylor Swift is such a little nympho." Karlie said as she received a playful slap on the arm as Taylor whispered, "But I'm your nympho and I don't hear you complaining."

Soon the girls were showered and dressed and having dinner. As 8pm neared, Karlie got their jackets and looked out the window. "It's here."

The two went outside to be met by a white horse drawn carriage, right in front of the models apartment. The operator of the carriage wore a white shirt with black pants, a black jacket with tails and a top hat. On the seat laid a dozen red roses Karlie had purchased.

"These are for you baby. The last time I bought you roses, I dropped them on the snow covered roof when I came home and they froze stiff."

Home- Taylor thought to herself.

For the next hour, they traveled all over Manhattan, just the two of them...well...and an SUV of security that trailed behind them, just in case.

Karlie held the singer close as she told her how much she would miss her.

"I'm so happy with where we are in our relationship," the model said. "There was a time when I didn't think we'd ever make it to this point. I never told you of my experiences of when I was away for those three months but I want to share that with you."

"When my dad died, I had a really difficult time with making his death a reality. He was the closest person to me and I have never felt a strong love for anyone as I did him. When he was killed by a drunk driver, a part of me died with him and I fell into a depression. I was sent to a therapist, who had molested me and at that point I became a recluse. I wanted no part of anyone and when I got to high school, I tried drugs but stopped that, finding my vice to be alcohol. It was a way to erase my dad from my memory and escape reality. Any mistakes I made, while under the influence were easier to justify because of the alcohol. This was my way of dealing with the anger of my dad leaving me. In my mind I didn't want to love anyone that much, in fear they would soon leave."

"When I met you, I got scared because I loved you almost as soon as we met. The more time we spent together, the more that love grew and eventually, I loved you 100 times more than the love I had for my dad. I was afraid that you'd leave me eventually.  Being away from you and going to clubs was my way of mentally preparing myself for the breakup, thinking that eventually it would happen. My actions caused your insecurities to be that much greater. My mother helped me more than therapy, in getting me to face my fears. Because of her, I now know that it's ok to love so much that it hurts. What's important is making everlasting memories that can be cherished forever."

"I love you so much and I would do absolutely anything for you. You make me laugh and cry and you give me purpose. You help me want to better myself. You are my happily ever after."

Taylor hugged Karlie as tears streamed down both of their faces.

"Thank you for sharing that with me. I will always protect you baby. You help me everyday to be a better and stronger me. I could never do that without you. You give my life new meaning and I will be forever grateful to you for that. I love you so much  Karlie."

Later that evening the two laid in bed, holding each other close as Taylor said, "You're my happily ever after too."

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