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Morning came soon as Karlie woke up on the couch with a terrible hangover. It took her a moment to realize she wasn't home but rather in a hotel room that was littered with empty vodka bottles. She called room service and ordered some food and a bottle of aspirin, hoping the combination would help her.

A short time later, the food arrived. Karlie picked at her plate as her mind began to drift off.

On the other side of the city, Taylor is a hysterical mess. She called Tree to tell her what happened, advising that Karlie's publicist would be planning a statement at some point and that she would need to plan one as well.

"Taylor, you can't be serious. You just got married?"

"No, Tree, I like being fucking hysterical at 10am. Of course I'm serious. Just prepare a statement. I don't know when Karlie's team will be releasing theirs. Just please be ready to respond and we do NOT issue a statement until Karlie does it first. And one last thing, no one knows about this, including our families. If you speak to my mother or father at any point, you say nothing about this."

"Ok, Taylor and I'm sorry about my comment. I'm just shocked, that's all. You both seemed so in love. I didn't realize it was THIS bad. I'll contact Karlie's publicist, so that we are on the same page. If you need anything else, let me know."

Taylor hung up with Tree and was just numb by it all. She wanted to be able to sit there and say she couldn't believe this was happening but she couldn't bring herself to because it WAS happening and she knew exactly why. This was all of her fault and if she wanted to win her wife back, she had to throw all of the cards on the table and fight for her.

Taylor called Karlie but the phone went straight to voicemail. She called Jim and asked him to take her to Karlie's apartment, which he did.

She knocked on the door, endless times but there was no answer. She pulled out her key, not knowing what she'd find when she walked in. For all she knew, Karlie could be wrapped in the arms of someone else and if that was the case, Taylor needed to be prepared for it. She took a deep breath and opened the door. She went from room to room but saw no signs of Karlie. The bed hadn't been touched, the fridge was empty...there were no indication that Karlie had ever been there. Not knowing where she was, was torture. She couldn't call Tracy because if Karlie did reach out to her, she didn't know if she'd be strong enough for the backlash she'd receive.

She needed to find her wife but where? This is a big city and would be like finding a needle in a haystack. Then again, she's Taylor Swift and if there was ever a time to use her celebrity, it was now. She called some of the local hotels but no one would just take her word that she was who she said she was. So, she decided to go to each and every one.

"Jim, I need you to take me to every hotel in the city. I need to find my wife."

"Uhhh, ummm... Ok Taylor."

This was the first time she let it be known that something was horribly wrong, without going into details. Jim always loved Karlie. She knew if anyone would be happy to help her, it would be him. He started at one end of the city and stopped at every hotel. She went into each one, stopping at the front desk and asking for the manager. At each location, she asked if Karlie was currently a guest. She swore them to secrecy and handed over one thousand dollars to each one to guarantee their silence. Threatening legal action in the event that they didn't, wasn't a bad finisher as well.

Twenty five hotels down and no signs of Karlie.

"Jim, we need to switch this up. We need to start on the opposite side of the city and go to the farthest point. My wife hates me right now and if I know Karlie, she's going to be as far away as she can from me."

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