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Behati rushed over to the girls as Karlie was puking everywhere.

"So, would you like to leave now?" Behati asked in a sarcastic tone.

"Shut up, I don't want to hear it. Just get me to bed please." Karlie was beyond drunk and the last 4 back to back shots of tequila hit her like a ton of bricks.

The three girls made their way to the car and headed back to Karlie's place. Behati got Karlie into bed as Cara went to take a shower. The two girls decided to sleep over, just in case.

When Cara got out, she checked on Karlie before going into the living room. Behati reached for her phone as Cara asked who she was calling at this time of night.

"I want to call Lily and let her know Kar had gotten sick. I rushed her off the phone so quick, that she probably thought that something really bad happened."

"No, you're not calling her. Then she'll call Taylor. Let Taylor worry all night about what Karlie may be doing. Fuck her. I'm so tired of my friend feeling like shit and the pop princess playing the role of judge and jury. Like, who the fuck does she think she is? She FUCKED HER EX-GIRLFRIEND!!"

"Car, that's not right. Karlie would be pissed to hear you talk about Taylor like that. You gotta stop and respect Taylor. Regardless of what you may think of her right now, she's still Karlie's girlfriend."

"Yup. Tomorrow." Cara said.

"Tomorrow what?"

"Tomorrow I'll start giving a shit, but right now I'm going to bed. You coming?

Cara made her way to the guest room with Behati behind her.

"With all the drama going on with Tay and Kar, we haven't even told them that we're a couple," Behati said.

"Well, maybe we'll do that tomorrow too. Damn, tomorrow is gonna be one hell of a day." Cara said as she and Behati snuggled into bed.

"You're a mess, ya know that Car...a real mess."

The two girls began cracking up as they began to fall asleep.


Taylor couldn't sleep. All she kept thinking about was Karlie at the club. She wanted to call her or text her, but she thought it would probably piss the model off. She laid awake, tossing and turning in bed trying to get comfortable. She's so used to being wrapped in Karlie's arms as she listens to her heart beat, that she just can't fall asleep without her.

She kept checking Cara's Instagram, thinking maybe she'll post another picture, so Taylor can at least see how the night is going, but no new pictures are showing. It's too late to call Lily and she doesn't want to call Selena again because she thinks she may be getting sick of hearing about this. She opts to just fight her racing mind and close her eyes. Sleep will come eventually.


The next morning Karlie wakes up with a pounding headache and has no color to her face.

"Well hello sleeping beauty," Behati said.

"Ughh, do you have to talk so loud? My head hurts."

"Well, that's what you get when you drink a massive amount of beers chased with four shots of tequila."

"Ugh, I'm gonna be sick," Karlie said as she ran to the bathroom.

"Kar's up?" Cara asked.

"Yeah. She's in the bathroom praising the porcelain God again."

Cara had just walked in the door from getting fresh bagels and cream cheese.

"How is it that you can drink just as much, if not more than Karlie and you're totally fine?"

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